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Charles Grace

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Everything posted by Charles Grace

  1. Hi there, I posted some months ago about whether I would have any rights to see my child if it's born in Australia. My partner and I were split up, but we've been working things out and im delighted to say we're back together. Our baby is due May 2018, so I need to sort out visa's as soon as possible. My only issue is that I'm training to be a teacher and this is scaring me because of the costs involved. Does anyone have any advice on how much visa's cost, the time it takes to process and what I can do to make sure I'm there for the first few months of my babies life.? We've been together for 4 years and are engaged and she's pregnant so I think we qualify. Cheers Charlie
  2. If you look at the European freedom of movement, economically it's very beneficial. You get to stay if you're working basically. This system only fills available jobs, and the increased tax revenue raises the standards of public services. This is why I deplore harsh immigration rules, especially if it's the prospect of a child growing up without a father. I grew up with a Single mum, I know how hard they work, and how tough life is. For the first few years of a child's life, a single mother will struggle to work a full time job and need state assistance. This Is a good thing! I'm just saying I'm here ready to be a father and ready to support my ex and her baby. I also witnessed in the country town my ex lives in, some pretty harsh behaviour towards single parents, and even harsher feeling towards immigrants. I just thought it was paradoxical to demonise single parents whilst simultaneously making sure the child's father can't make it into the country. Apologies if I ruffled any feathers, we broke up after 4 years together, 2 were long distance. I grew up under divorced parents and I promised it wouldn't happen to my child. Imagine my despair to see this happening before my child is even born. It seems that getting a visa as a teacher is my best bet. But if she doesn't want me to have anything to do with the baby, I have little choice but to stay away. Thanks for the advice everyone Charlie
  3. Well I'd like to be there to support my ex and our child, surely that's preferable to a single mother receiving state financial support? I only mean anti immigrant in contrast to the more fluid systems in Europe. In fairness the UK is as difficult to understand and access. From my research, on legal matters and government procedure, I can see I have little rights in terms of a visa. I feel it's harsh if I'm willing to be an active, tax-paying member of society, willing to be a good father to an Australian citizen. I'm trying to do the right thing, I may be able to come over as a teacher so I'll look into that. But I have anxiety about my ability to see and support my child.
  4. So Ive been with my Aussie girlfriend for 4 years, 2 years in Australia and then we've been long distance visiting in month long stints. Recently after a trip to Cambodia together, she became pregnant. Unfortunately she's decided (after 4 years together) to push me away. It's been a slow burner, but I've decided we can't be together, it's been a whirlwind romance that's ended in flames. But she's keeping our baby, I hate the idea of a child growing up without a father, do I have any rights at all? I mean the right wing rhetoric about Single mums in Australia is pretty negative, but so is the approach to immigration. So will a fairly anti immigrant country help me support my child, given Australia's views on men abandoning their responsibilities? I'm ready to help my child, and support my ex. Will Australia help me?
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