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Posts posted by Beckfield

  1. 29 minutes ago, Beckfield said:

    I’d stay clear of the west end of Newcastle.

    One more thing Juliaoz01 if I may:  what exactly is the west end?  Do you mean areas to the west of the city, or is the western area of the city itself??  Thank you, 

  2. 39 minutes ago, juliaoz01 said:

    I’m from the north east and know Newcastle very well. It all depends on what you’re after and what your budget is too! The likes of Jesmond and gosforth are nice and very close to the city, but it’s expensive and things like parking are a nightmare. Both have great pubs and restaurants and shops though. If you’re after the coast, tynemouth and Whitley bay are nice but are quite expensive too. A little bit further up you’ve got Seaton delaval and Blyth where it’s a bit cheaper but still right on beach. I’d stay clear of the west end of Newcastle. There’s lots of country villages and towns around Newcastle like throckley, wylam and bigger places like Hexham and Morpeth are nice too. Newcastle’s weather might be a bit damp and chilly but it’s a fantastic city. So many great shops, bars, restaurants as well as theatres and museums. You’re never bored! It has a great buzz and the Christmas markets around greys monument are so christmassy you soon forget how cold it is! Can you tell I miss it?! ?

    Hi Juliaoz01.  This is fabulous info..  Thanks so much.  I have noted the areas you mentioned and am about to google real estate there.  Yes, I can tell you miss it...  I feel for you.  Homesickness comes in waves, in my experience.  Sometimes it's a dull ache and other times it's full blown agony.  I hope you can get home for a "Newcastle fix" soon.  Thank you again for all the info.  

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  3. 2 hours ago, VERYSTORMY said:

    I spent a big chunk of last year in Whitley Bay and was amazed by it. The sea front has been totally refurbished and has a really good buzz about it. During summer the council hold free concerts in the park opposite the sea every weekend - not just little local bands, but big international acts. 

    Newcastle is also doing incredibly well and has a boom feel about it with a huge amount of new investment. 

    Sounds like you enjoyed it Verystormy.  I looked at Whitley Bay on images and it's really beautiful. We were going to go to Scarborough, which is more or less home for us, but we are concerned there mightn't be many employment options - especially for young daughter.  I have a fear of the unknown, with Newcastle, as we are a quiet country family and it looks to be an enormous city.  Fantastic for entertainment, uni, etc, but could be overwhelming for very "un-streetwise" girl!  House is going back on market this coming week.  Gave up last time after 9 months.  Here's hoping!  Thanks for your interesting reply.  

  4. 9 minutes ago, can1983 said:

    Great atmosphere around the place whenever I've been. Transport with 'subway' and trains / buses.

    but its a seriously cold and grim place weather wise ?

    Thank can1983.  Might need to invest in some thermals then.  Lol.

  5. 29 minutes ago, Toots said:

    I always liked Newcastle but haven't been there for a long time now.  Last time I was back in the UK I visited a friend who retired from Newcastle to the north end of Whitely Bay.  She is really enjoying living there.  It's 10 miles from Newcastle.

    Thanks Toots, that's helpful.  Whitely Bay looks lovely from the pictures online.

  6. Hi everyone, are any of you familiar with Newcastle?  If so, which areas are safe/unsafe, and which are pleasant environs.  We have young adults who will be relying on public transport.  Any info appreciated.  We have looked online but the opinions are quite conflicting.  Thank you!

  7. On 02/09/2018 at 18:25, Marisawright said:

    I remember your posts from the last time.  You may find you have more luck this time if you start with a low price.  Sometimes it's counter-productive if you start at a high price, then keep reducing - people will hold off thinking that you'll just keep on reducing the price.  

    I repeat my offer of contacting me privately.  First step - let me know what town you're living in so I can take a look at property values.  

    I can't remember if I asked last time - did you prepare your house before they took the pictures?  By which I mean:

    •  ruthlessly declutter every single room (pack everything non-essential in boxes and put the boxes in the garage, or in storage somewhere);
    •  remove every single photo and picture of yourself and your family;
    • get the garden and the house looking immaculate.

    Then once the pictures are all taken, keep it looking exactly the same until the house sells.

    People should be able to see past your stuff but they don't.  They just don't. 

    Thanks Marisawright, I've done all the above and have someone who's good at this stuff looking at it for me.  Haven't listed it for sale again yet.  Appreciate your help, thank you.  Here's hoping!!  

  8. @paulswin   Great to hear you sold..  you know how it feels, so frustrating isn't it?  Mine was on for almost a year.  You must be so excited about going back.  I think you were wise to not hang out for the highest price, but to take what was offered, so you can get on with your own plans.  Hope it all goes really well and your children settle well into their new life.  All the best.


  9. Hi Everyone, lovely to read so many positive comments about returning to UK.  I was trying to sell our house so we could go but it just wouldn't sell despite all our efforts and price reductions.  As the hankering/homesickness is still there I am about to try again.  We thought we'd be home by last Christmas but the best laid plans...  If it doesn't sell this time we'll probably give up.  

  10. 14 hours ago, Tricky said:

    Well it's all go at our end. Currently getting the house ready for sale is going well and we are counting down the weeks. Have had some quotes for the dog's shipping and now we have to start sorting belongings. 

    It's interesting, but we've never really realised that we've been missing out on family life until now. And our daughters birthday is coming up in a couple of weeks and we are so relieved that it'll be the last birthday where it's the three of us and next time the whole family can be there instead of on Skype. 

    Only 20 weeks or so left. It'll fly by. 

    That's so exciting Tricky.  Wish you and your family all the very best.  Lots of happy times ahead.  

  11. On 1/15/2018 at 11:22, Tricky said:

    Just wondering whether anyone has been in a similar situation and can offer advice or offer advice even if you haven't. 

    My wife and I have been in Adelaide for 7 years, and two years ago had a daughter. 

    We like living here, and although sometimes we feel a bit isolated from the rest of the world and that it's tough to just 'pop' somewhere else we have no major issues with the place. We have a house here and are citizens. 

    We have however started to talk about how our daughter is the other side of the world from family. Granted they have come to visit and we have been back there with her once, but it's still a limited amount of time and we can't really afford a European trip every year. 

    We are now trying to decide whether we should head back. We didn't leave the UK because we hated it, we left for an adventure really. 

    Obviously only we can work out whether it's worth it financially, whether we sell our house here or rent it out just incase, etc. We know that jobs aren't a guarantee straight away, as we knew when we came here however we were quite lucky in that regard. 

    Has anyone had similar feelings, moved back and it has/hasn't worked out. Reasons as to why? We just wanna make sure we make as best educated decision as possible. 

    We would be living 30-50 minutes from family as we would plan to move back closer to a city instead of country villages. We don't expect to see family every day and we realise that we will never know for sure if we made the right decision. 

    Enough of my rambling. Thanks in advance. 

    Hello Tricky, I really sympathise with that feeling of uncertainty as to what's best for your family and whether you should go back or stay in SA.  Personally, I would certainly go.  Bonds with extended family can't really be forged easily when the visits are few and far between, and your daughter is just a tot, so it would be really lovely for her to grow up knowing her extended family.  I was a child of a migrant family back decades ago, and we always missed our grandparents and aunts, uncles and cousins so much.  Whenever there were weddings or other special family occasions we were always the ones who were stuck here unable to go, and to some extent it affects your identity because you're cut off from your relatives and feel removed from the clan, if you know what I mean.  We missed out on lots being so far away from everyone else we loved.  Living 30-50 minutes away is nothing, given the distances we all do living in Australia.  I travel an hour to the nearest major town.  So personally, I say Go, and rejoin your family.  Life's so short....  and the need to belong is so important.  All the best!!

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