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Everything posted by Pancake123

  1. Hello Everyone. I got my Visa grant today. I have a question they've given me time till January for my first entry. Have you ever heard of anyone asking them to extend this? Has it ever worked?
  2. So if my police check was done back in Jan if I do get the visa I'll have to go before Jan?
  3. Hello everyone. Can you please tell me what is the avg entry time people usually get once they get the visa?
  4. Noted. I'm definitely going to be emailing them now. Thank you for the tip. Bless you!
  5. Hello Henry. How do you know that you've missed the call? I also miss alot of phone calls from people as I can't attend them all while I'm working on a patient.
  6. It's quite frustrating actually. It would be much better if they follow some semblance of a protocol to solve our cases.
  7. Hey everyone! My husband lodged my vsia application in January of this year but we still have not received any interview call from them whereas people who filed after me clearly have. Any suggestions on what to do? We applied online via the immi account.
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