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Posts posted by lhumphreys

  1. However, if you come from an English speaking country that is recognized by Australia (USA, Ireland, Canada, UK, etc) you do not have to do the English exam for your skills assessment and only have to do it in order to get points for the visa. For the visa you can take the general format of the English exam just to gain points and have a much higher chance of getting invited faster if you score the maximum amount of points. In order to verify this your nursing education will have needed to be completed in English. 

    Even if you only speak English- the academic version of the exams are very hard. During the TOEFL people were crying, which was a bit distracting. Try to take the general version if at all possible. The IELTS general was very easy compared to the TOEFL academic. 

  2. 1 hour ago, LauraHol89 said:



    Can I ask, I assume you front loaded all your documents? Did thus include the form 80 as well?

    Thank you x

    Hi @LauraHol89,

    I did front load everything including medicals, police checks, form 1221, and form 80. Any form that I could find that somebody mentioned them needing I just submitted in case. In addition, someone mentioned they were asked for an Australian Police check even though they had only ever visited Australia once for 3 weeks. Considering I've visited 7 times for 2-4 weeks at a time, I decided to go ahead and do this too just to be safe. 

    Hope this helps!

    • Like 1
  3. Hi Guys,

    I just wanted to give a bit of hope to those out there waiting. I received my grant yesterday without any CO contact. I was devastated by the 8-11 month processing time (which was 9-12 when I submitted) in February. In addition, I looked at my immiaccount all of the time, and it never ever updated from received (I was waiting for it to say initial assessment, etc), but since it had never changed I thought I would be waiting the full time period. However, on Monday night it said received and by Tuesday afternoon I had a grant letter in my email. 

    Hope the theory that things pick up in July due to the new fiscal year is true for all of us. If there are any other nurses out there who will be relocating to the Melbourne area, please reach out to me! I'd love to make some new friends who also went through this crazy process.

  4. Supposedly things pick up in July because their fiscal year ends at the end of June. So, I'm probably stating this completely inaccurately, but they were processing like 1000 a month prior to last Septemberish and inviting way more people too, but because they do their visas in 2 year blocks (and the current one ends in June) they were at a point where they had hit their visa goal so they slowed down processing, and it should pick up again at the start of the new fiscal year/new visa pattern. 

    Hope this helps!

  5. Hi Guys!

    I just thought we should start a new thread for the next group of us out there anxiously awaiting visas. It's so exciting to see that they have finally moved into December applications with many people receiving direct grants!

    Please introduce yourself with your occupation and your lodgement date so we can all follow each other's outcomes!

    I'm Lindsey and I applied as a perioperative registered nurse on February 21st. Hoping to move to Melbourne at some point this year. My fiance is an Aussie, but the 189 seemed like less of a headache than the partner process (and less money) since I was already licensed in Australia. 

    Anyhow, hope to hear from people and good luck to everyone!

  6. HI @AmanKaur,

    The EOI process for people with the same number of points goes by the order they were submitted. So if people with 60 points are waiting for a year ago, they will get invited before you. All of that being said, they have not invited 60 pointers for a very very long time, and it doesn't look like they will. In order to score an invite you should resit for the English exam to get more points if you didn't already get the maximum. If you already got the maximum then you might just need to wait until you have enough work experience to go up a tier (as long as your age group at the same time doesn't bring you down a tier). 

    Having a license in Australia only changes your ANMAC assessment route, but doesn't help you to get chosen any faster for the visa. 

    I re-sat the English exam and got the maximum points which gave me 75, and I was invited within 3 weeks at that time. If you got 10 more points it would put you at 70, which wouldn't be quite as fast, but you should still eventually get an invite whereas there is a chance 60 pointers will not. 

    Hope this helps!

    • Like 1
  7. Hey there!

    You don't need all of the proof of your coursework as you did for AHPRA, but you need more work related information. You have to have proof of employment from every place you have worked for more than 3 months and a letter of reference from them as well. The letter of reference also has to include the dates of employment (I think you can just use the reference letter, but to be extra safe I included the HR letter as well), be on official hospital letterhead, and has to be written by a supervising nurse or midwife. They use these letters to give you credit for yours years of service, which allows you to earn more points. 

    Other than this I found that I had most other information (such as proof of education/graduation, etc) from the AHPRA process. Hope this helps!


  8. Hey Cobain,

       I submitted mine in October when it said the turn around was 3 weeks. At that time everything was paper based. I submitted all of the forms in the exact same package, but they said they didn't have my cover letter. They then said I had to send a new one and that the turn around time technically doesn't start until they have received everything (including from previous licensing organizations). I overnighted (which in reality is 4 days to Australia) a new cover letter and photo, etc. The very next morning they said they had "received" my cover letter, meaning they found it. Anyhow, all of that being said- the processing times changed during that time and they didn't count my submission date until they had everything in hand. I was then looking at a 7 week turn around. From start to finish my turn around was 11 weeks, which was highly disappointing as I turn 33 in April and am trying to submit before then! 

    Supposedly the paper system is supposed to be more efficient. I was also doing a modified, but mine took the full time (and then some). I think from all of the forum posts the best advice is just to be patient, because the times change all of the time and we have no control once we submit. Good luck and hope to see you on the sunny side!


    • Like 1
  9. On 1/10/2018 at 07:59, LeeH said:

    That's good to know thanks! No, my course was not one the pre-degree diploma courses.

    Do they basically want to see evidence of anything I claim to have done? I'm thinking of sending them:-

    -Nursing degree certificate + course transcript (sent from uni)
    -Mentorship course transcript
    -Critical Care course transcript
    -Statements of service from my NHS employer and the two agencies I've been working for that I'll tell them about.


    Hey Leeh!

        Welcome to the process! Yes, they will want to see proof for anything you are claiming. That being said though work experience only counts for skilled independent work (no training while in school counts- although you'll need the amount of school hours you did for the AHPRA registration eventually, but not for your ANMAC work experience). Hope this makes sense!

    I registered for AHPRA prior to ANMAC due to my partner being Australian and wanting the flexibility to go when we were ready without going the partner visa route. As Richard mentioned, and I was unaware of, once approved I had 90 days to appear in person in Australia with a visa and connections to life in Australia (which was pretty difficult because at the time I was still living and working in the United States). Had I known that I may have waited on AHPRA until the visa phase, unless you're open to heading over to Oz possibly a few times between now and when you hope to move. 

  10. Hi everyone,

         I applied in October when there was a 3 week wait for the anmac modified skills assessment. They received all of my paperwork in full on November 12th (as they said the cover letter and passport photo never showed up, even though they were in the same package... and later showed up). Anyhow, on November 12th it now says the wait is 7 weeks. When they list the processing times is that how long until they start reviewing your application and/or how long it takes once they start reviewing it? The only email I have received is the one saying they “now” received everything, but I’m guessing that doesn’t mean they’ve started going through it. I’m also guessing I’ll be waiting 7 weeks from November 12th and not from October 22nd when they initially received everything  else. Thanks so much for any and all insight! Good luck to everyone else out there!  


  11. I'm so sorry for this frustration! Hang in there! I'm in the assessment phase myself now, and all of my documents were sent over in the exact same package, however, they said they didn't get my cover letter nor passport photo (even though they were in there together!). Now I had to pay to expedite ship them over there, yet again. 

    When I called about it though I was nervous that other things might be missing if those somehow got lost, so the woman went through my file and told me everything she had. It might be worth it to call and do the same just to make sure some of your letters weren't misplaced?

    Good luck!

  12. Hi @Richard Gregan,

         Thanks so much for the response. So you're saying that the only way to get 10 or more points is based off of years of experience that ANMAC assesses through your letters of reference? When you get the ANMAC determination letter do they tell you how many years they are giving you credit for? I currently have 8.5, but am applying as a perioperative nurse, and am worried that during the time I did travel nursing (1 year) I wasn't scrubbing (still circulated), while working in labor and delivery setting/labor and delivery OR setting, and that they might not give me full points for that year. (Really hoping for the 15!) Do they tell you your points on your letter of determination?

    I have 2 degrees- one bachelor (communication) and masters (in nursing)- do they ever give you more points for more degrees or only for the one relevant to the field you're applying for?

    Finally, as @RedgieA mentioned earlier- this line under the points based system:

    An award or qualification recognised by the relevant assessing authority for your nominated skilled occupation.


    -what type of things does this consist of? I currently hold a certificate as a Clinical Nurse Leader that was awarded by taking a very difficult test after my masters- would that be relevant? Should I submit that to ANMAC?

    Thanks so much for your help!

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  13. On 9/27/2017 at 04:07, RedgieA said:

    Hi,@lhumphreys. ANMAC  certificate or called letter of determination. It doesn't provide any qualifying points. ANMAC only assess your qualifications and experience based on the documents you provide to them. It will only determine that your skills has been assessed for migration for your nominated occupation (AMZSCO). You will get 10 points for the ANMAC assessment based on the immigration point based calculation. 


    I'm so sorry I'm still confused. Are the 10 points coming from the years of skilled employment or you also just get 10 points for finishing the ANMAC skills assessment? (If so that would be great news for an extra 10 points!) Or is ti coming from this line: An award or qualification recognised by the relevant assessing authority for your nominated skilled occupation?

    Thank you so much for your help!

  14. 7 hours ago, d_rabadia said:

    Hi sorry for the late reply.

    I submitted my skills assessment around 1st Feb. Assessment took 3 months back then due to a high number of applicants. I had to apply for registration before applying for my ANMAC assessment as i had completed my nursing degree in Australia. The nursing registration took around 4 weeks.

    Hi there,

        Thanks for the response! I'm already licensed with AHPRA so only need to do the modified skills assessment. Is that what you did as well because you were licensed, or you got licensed in the process? Online it's saying the current turn around is only 3 weeks for the modified so fingers crossed (although one of the jurisdictions I was licensed in is taking forever to send my letter of good standing :( ), so I can't even submit yet. Thanks for helping to keep me informed!



  15. On 9/21/2017 at 21:34, RedgieA said:

    Hi @lhumphreys, ANMAC will issue certificate that certify that they recognised you nurse qualification. Once you have the ANMAC certificate you can apply for EOI. Yes, English language test can boost your points. You will likely to get invited sooner that later with higher point. No need to submit any copy of results during EOI process,  You  can put your English language test results  on your EOI but make sure you can back it up all info on your EOI once you get the invitation to apply for visa.


    Good luck

    Hi Redgie!

        Thanks so much for your response! Did the ANMAC certificate state how many points you had based off of your years of experience/education/etc, and then you submit the points with your EOI? How did you find out your official points (versus me just calculating what I think I have)? Also, I am already licensed in Australia, so I just have to do the modified assessment. Do you know how long the assessments took to hear back from with ANMAC prior to your certificate? Thanks so much!


  16. Hi all!

     I'm just now doing the ANMAC assessment process. Once finished did ANMAC tell you what your points were with your letter? Just wondering (other than me reading and assigning myself points) how/when you get your official number. Also, if taking the English language test to boost up points do I submit my scores when applying for the EOI? Finally, after submitting an EOI I am confused about the mention of seeing the rounds and the amount of people waiting etc. Is this shown to you once submitting the EOI?

    Congratulations fellow nurses! Hope we all cross paths in Oz! Thank you for any and all help in advance!

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