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Everything posted by Guest263228

  1. The sentiment at the time was not entirely different. Of course they are not the same but they can be compared.
  2. Obviously the veiled hatred can be barely suppressed with many. With ill feeling towards though Muslims expressing their sense of reality , often good will, only to get shot down at every turn, I'm really not sure of a way forward.
  3. Why do you always pick on that guy? One of the better ABC presenters. Always fair and talks common sense. Something hardly ' common' with a lot of these threads. Even allowing for an understandable emotional response to events.
  4. Just shows don't believe what you see. Question everything and remain sceptical . I thought it odd, but accepted at face value, without giving it due thought. Wrong. Should really have known better.
  5. Thankfully clearer and fairer heads prevail and no signs of a fascist dictatorship around the corner just yet. Really when has banning something ever really worked? Some of the simplistic solutions sought on this forum are mind boggling.
  6. What business is it of outsiders to attempt to 'stabilise' the Middle East? Why does the West support the principle regime backing terror in Saudi Arabia? Do you ask the same questions with regards to non Muslim groups that planted bombs in British cities a few decades back? Some were 'sleeper cells' that had lived in UK for a long time. Failed integration or something else? There are certainly serious issues at stake here more questions than answers. Solutions appear to be short on the ground.
  7. At a guess I'd say it was supposed to, wouldn't you? A play on satire perhaps?
  8. Yes. But IMO glorifying them by such a title only contributes towards the problem.
  9. Copped you. Come now teach. Targetted only has a single letter 't'. Once you start locking up a minority on the grounds of 'being radicalised', very serious concerns need to be considered. People usually need to commit an offence in western democracies before being locked up.
  10. Sadly history is forgotten. Certainly the lessons. Probably not known by most anyway .Few are interested beyond seeking , lazy minded knee jerk reactions, often pushed by a tabloid sensationalist press.
  11. Perhaps because if you start locking people up without charge just because of sympathies the nation heads down a slippery slope. If the police can charge and corrupt evidence on Irish folk, imagine the field day of darker skinned, Muslin residents and probably citizens.
  12. Just as I'm equally sure a few others are fed up with reading the same ignorant bile from numerous sources not only yours. But as you ask, views clearly stated and just what do you and your 'tribe' propose to do to' better' the situation. You say you are aware not all Muslims are terrorists, how noble it must be to be so enlightened. It certainly doesn't necessary come out in your posts that show Islam phobic tendencies but perhaps you can find some fairness. I don't harp on about the extreme Right. They are a major threat on many fronts. I have given examples and you may care to seek out US reports of where they find the serious long term threats. Not forgetting to look whom they voted for President.
  13. If you drop your prejudices just for one moment, and focus on the fact that it was not a special infidel killing bomb, but one that would kill without discrimination. Just as the bombs in schools and other places in countries like Pakistan or Turkey. No one can ever plan for a lone wolf attacker. Be that a misguided Islamist or a Right Wing nut job.
  14. For starters dropping names like Islamic Fundamentalist, unless proven. Why grandiose these people with a title? There's a chance they are jumping on a bandwagon in order to give some meaning to their very ordinary life. Probably the only thing I have found to agree with Trump was his term 'losers' instead of terrorists. (though in his case it may have been due to his location in Arab lands?) I wonder how a twenty two year old, born in Manchester can be a terrorist? I don't know his personal situation, of course. Perhaps he has returned from abroad. Just thinking aloud. Calling them terrorists instead of murderers some how seems to glorify them to an extent perhaps?
  15. A complete and utter failure aimed at convincing some average Joe's that something was being done. As you may recall, the Brit's got their nationals released with due pressure on the Americans. AS for locking up political prisoners it hardly worked a treat in the Irish case. Do you really think locking up what may be many hundreds if not thousands of Muslims over time will do anything but create very volatile prisons probably beyond managing and ever more martyrs? The only way forward is all on board.
  16. I know full well you do. You feed it for all it is worth. Reason why your side of politics is so dangerous. The solution as you see it will result in ever less freedom, controls of everyone/thing, complete conformity and obedience . A white black world. You know in freedom there are inherent risks.
  17. So plucking a few unfortunates out of the desert and locking them up on a base in Cuba, for propaganda purposes was in your opinion a good idea? Were any actually terrorists? Or combatants?
  18. So more recent involvement by the West in invading and altering the status quo plays no part in the present? This is ever on going over 1000 years? One view I suppose.
  19. A long time. I was thinking that. The bloke that committed this atrocity would have been ten years old back in 2005. A lot of thought needed about the whole matter. We do not want a yet to be born person doing likewise or worse in twenty years time, not to say the time in between.
  20. They do just not emphasised enough in the media. Could they do more? Yes of course all sides could them included. Yes Irish mothers did a grand job. You will also remember numbers of semi literate Irish workers being framed and locked up for many years for bombings they did not commit.
  21. it failed because it was a useless knee jerk reaction by a wanting politician.
  22. What we don't need to do is stick the knife in every second and trawl the threads looking for anti Muslim pieces with close on every post. Yet completely ignore the extreme Right which are savouring each attack in order to further their very nasty agenda. Feel free to critique the Koran (if you know what you are writing about) As in The Old Testament , parts certainly can be called to account. But to blame Islam and Muslims with nearly every breath becomes very one sided and not a little tedious. Now if you had anything constructive to add with finding a solution would be more than glad to read.
  23. Yes. I suspect the young in part don't heed a lot of attention to their elders. But the community as a whole has so much to gain but outing people, preferably before the radicalisation process has gone to far. We hear constantly of the negatives with the voices of those constantly speaking out, somehow not given the same media coverage. It does keeps peoples minds of course from other maters impacting the nation. Like what a poor job the present Tory government are doing.
  24. Hardly rocket science. Don't alienate Muslims for the reason of their religion. Such a population regardless of whom, will hardly remain passive and likely be more non co operative best. In order to weed out those set to create terror in our communities we require all on side. We certainly should never allow the bile spewed by the extreme right to determine narrative. They have their own reasons and pose a serious long term thread themselves.
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