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Everything posted by Bren

  1. Bluntly put the worst case scenario is that you go with him to Australia and the marriage breaks down anyway. It is certainly a real fear and I really hope it is not what occurs. Yet, and I am proof that it can happen. My dad did it to my mum. We moved to the US with the promise that it would be a new, fresh start because otherwise their marriage was doomed. Then the moment we got to baggage claim my father said to my mother "Actually, I think I want a divorce anyway". He moved out shortly after but my mother couldn't move away with us so she was trapped. In essence what he really was saying was that his happiness was more important than ours. I will however qualify that your situation may be completely different and it really depends on the type of man your husband is. Perhaps he is a lovely person who would never dream of doing this to you. My father, while he is actually a very lovely person to everyone else in the world, was emotionally abusive to my mother. My mother is also quite emotionally manipulative. (Oh to have children grow up to have these opinions of their parents. My parents would be so proud). Children are certainly resilient and while I do believe that your relationship with each other and your needs should be priority, it should not be at the expense of your relationship with your kids or their needs. With that life experience I personally don't tolerate threats nor do I really believe in the "everything will be better" promise. Everything will be different. That is a certainty. Others have said that "life is what you make it" and I agree cause there's also no telling what you achieve through wanting to escape misery. If I hadn't been so miserable in Florida I would not have ever moved back overseas and met my husband who encouraged me to go finish my education. Does life look different than what I, or my parents, planned? Yeah. Did our family survive the situation? Lol, nope. But when I look at where I am now if I could go back and tell my parents to do things differently I don't think I would. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Hi, I'm really hoping someone has any insight. I submitted an EOI on 23/09/2016 with 70 points (bare minimum as I'm just a grad). I've been trying to understand the invitation rounds info and thought for sure I had moved up the queue because the 28th September round stated that points minimum was 70 with a visa date of effect of 11/09/2016. But then, the 12 October round showed 70 points and visa date of effect of 20/04/2016. I'm so confused, I thought for sure that I was moving up but don't know. Anybody understand this craziness. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Hey Dan Mika, Any news? Have you submitted your EOI already? I'm in a similar boat and have completely stopped trying to make rhyme or reason of the EOI queue.
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