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Posts posted by Richo

  1. I wonder how much extra time there would be to process visas if immi didn't have to answer all these calls? :wacko:


    Yes it must be a drain on the Dept's resources and also takes up time that could be used by those with genuine issues. I do all my checking on line but you just get you status expressed as one work '"received" which is a little opaque. It would be good to know your approximate position in the queue.

  2. Yes I definitely think that MAs are saying 6 months, the immi website says 6 months, and when I applied, 6 months seemed to be the average. It only took my 2 friends 4 months. I understand it's more like 8 now, but it's SO frustrating not knowing when it's going to happen.


    Yep its frustrating. Christmas and New Years were good distractions but the benefit of these distractions have been offset by the passing of the 6 month mark (and I feel for those who are waiting longer).


    I do think the Dept would benefit from being a little more transparent regarding what appears to be longer that usual processing times but I have to say I don't envy the people presumably working in resource constrained teams who have to deal with all of the calls.


    Hindsight is a fine thing but the worst thing I did is register with Immi so I can check my visa status myself. I have to ration myself to 1 check a day and even that is non-value add as any changes will get auto emailed to my MA who is very responsive.

  3. No, nominations and visas submitted at the same time.


    very jammy then... I suppose someone has to be!


    I had some emotional attachment to the 6 month mark too. My MA regularly referenced a 6 months processing time up front but started talking about things taking longer around November (my visa nom was 21 June) although I'm a Direct Entry applicant and I'm pretty sure these are taking a little longer to process.

  4. I believe this will still take another month


    Progress though and that would be in line with the 7 to 8 month average processing times in the shared spreadsheet!


    My visa application was submitted on 21 June so based on the average processing times in the spreadsheet I'm expecting/hoping that my application will be processed no later than mid to late Feb.

  5. My status still same as received because immigration asked for only nomination documents not visa.


    They again asked for same documents which was submitted before. My MA asked them to have a look again and didn't upload the documents again ( not sure if he is right or wrong).

    He is very professional and I believe he is very much experienced so i leave it up to him.


    But why immi asked the same documents again i dont understand.


    Yes you are right i am transition.


    Now i am waiting for more updates.


    Hopefully this will mean you will get some good news soon!

  6. Hello Everyone


    i just emailed my MA and asked him if there is any updates.


    Then he told me that my file was opened before Christmas and immi asked for some documents which were submitted before.


    So whatever was needed my MA submitted already.


    I am just been told today and they also asked for training receipt


    Hi Shiv,


    That sounds positive. Do you know if the status or your application changed as a result of a Case Office opening your file?


    I'm on a similar time line to you (Nom 16 June, Visa 21 June albeit I'm a DE applicant and I think you are a Transition applicant) and my status shows as received so I've not been chasing my MA for an update and I'm now wondering if I should be.

  7. Hi Everyone,


    I'm interested in tracking the status of my 186 DE application online. Is anyone able to advise how I can do this?


    It's probably worth noting that I've made my application 186 DE application using a migration agent (who has been excellent I just don't want to bother the migration agent) and I'm not interested in calling DIBP.





  8. Hi Everyone


    please whoever is here on this form or following this form please add up yourself to spread sheet which will give all of us a rough guess about processing.

    If you not sure how to add then leave your details and post it here and someone will add you up.



    This way we all can have idea about processing and we all will be more relaxed





    How do I find the spreadsheet? I'd like to add my details and see how things are going for everyone else.

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