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Posts posted by Richo

  1. Hello everyone,

    It's been only one month I applied for my visa (Nomination and Visa application under the the DE but after 20 months working with the 457) and I already can't wait to get my visa. :)

    Good luck to everyone :)


    Welcome on board Ozdream1 and good luck to you too!


    To get the most out of the forum you might want to share a summary of your details on the spreadsheet and on you messages. I've found this helps you find other people in a similar position to you.

  2. Hi Richo


    i believe your suspect is quite reasonable , LOL

    my wife has same vision too, she said pr will be approved before it hits eight months which is fair enough prediction.

    on the other hand i have been thinking 457 for a while, you know in case either 186 fail or take much longer, it might not bad idea to turn another way, most important thing for my family is to start life in au . more waiting would hold back our plans, and sometimes plans are no longer plans if the perfect timing pass. for now starting to think about a plan B would helps with anxiety of waiting and gives some sort of hope about life itself.

    anyway, we are far away from the worst situation. try to be positive here with family.

    cheers, mate


    Hi Manson,


    Are you currently in Australia? I came over Australia from the UK on a 457 in 2013. In 2013 was certainly quicker to get over on the 457 than on a 186 however the visa has its downsides e.g. you are dependent on your employer, you don't get medicare unless your country has a reciprocal agreement (the UK does), you don't get state benefits (e.g. child care rebates / free schooling) and it can be harder to get loans/finance as a temporary resident. Depending on your circumstances the downsides of a 457 may not be an issue. If I had my time again I'd have waited and come over on a 186. It takes a little longer but you are in a much better position once you are approved and become a permanent resident.


    Fingers crossed we are all getting near the end of our waits! I'm conscious others have been waiting longer but I hoping this doesn't take longer than 8 months.



  3. same here. just waiting desperately and restlessly


    Hi Manson,


    As a fellow June DE applicant when do you think your residency application will be processed?


    Obviously there are no new updates from the Dept and we have no other option but to accept and embrace the wait (I'm not looking to restart a conversation on this) but base purely on a hunch/gut-feel my wife thinks mine will be approved on Valentine's day (which I suspect is a reminder that valentines day is coming) and I don't know why but I think it will be on Feb 22nd.


    What about you?

  4. I've been waiting for this day for five years and here we are. Nearly 10 months to the day from submission - I am a permeant resident of Australia. My MA called, I crumpled into a ball with tears of of happiness and just thinking, what a ****ing relief.


    2 x LR

    Direct Entry

    14 March Nom & Visa, NSW

    Marketing Specialist

    No documents requested/queried


    Thank you to everyone who was so kind in sharing information - this forum was like a lifeline. Sending the best vibes into the universe for everyone still waiting. @Lizzie and @jess6 - hang in there!!! xoxoxo


    Hi Bluegrass, great news and congratulations mate!


    I'm told my self that I'll hold it all together when I hopefully get my call but I bet I don't!


    Enjoy the feeling!

  5. Hi guys,

    My MA just got back to me regarding the question Direct Entry vs. Transition.

    She confirmed that all applications are in a queue and Transition are not prioritised versus DE or vice versa.

    She repeated that it takes in average 6 to 9 months to process applications at the moment.

    We just had Christmas in between so 10 months is also possible.


    Hi Jess6,


    Thank you for sharing the feedback from your MA :-) My MA gave similar feedback and also mentioned the staffing issue.

  6. AHHHHHHHH!!!! I just received a magical call from my MA that my Nomination was approved. Words can not express how amazing this feels after 10 months of anxious waiting.


    DE People - fingers crossed this means we haven't been forgotten.


    DE x 2 LR, Nom & Visa 14 March 2016 NSW


    Hi Bluegrass - great news about the approval of your nomination. I hope your Visa application is approved soon.

  7. Thanks for for the reply, our MA has said to get our UK police checks done now and to wait for the Oz ones and medicals until they call for them as they don't take long to come through.


    Hi pinkypiglet, did you see leethompson's reply to my post? LT says you can complete the medical prior to application. If you are interested in doing so you might want to ask him how. I'm sure your MA knows what they are doing but I agree with LT that there is no point delaying your Medicals and police checks unless you think the application process will take more than 12 months so I'd get them done asap.

  8. Question - people who have submitted applications did you submit medicals and police checks with it or did you wait till requested? Also has anyone submitted and not had to do medicals or police checks and got PR?


    Thanks in advance


    I think you can only get your medical done post application as you need a referral letter for each person that is part of you application. I did mine shortly after submitting the application.


    you can get the police checks done any time. Again I did mine shortly after submitting my application. So countries police take longer than others to respond so don't leave it too late or this could delay things.

  9. Hello All,

    Visa granted - 6/1/2017

    Nomination app - 15/9/2015

    Nomination grant - 17/4/2016

    Visa app - 19/5/2016

    Doc's requested - 24/11/2016

    Occupation - Laboratory manager

    Processing centre - WA and NSW

    Country - LR (Canada)

    Direct entry

    Never ever waited for anything this long. Grateful to this forum.

    Good luck to everyone.




    Great at to see a DE application go through ?

  10. Hi, everyone, My Visa is granted today after 199 days.


    My timeline:


    22, June, 2016 Nomination

    24, June, 2016 Visa

    Granted both on 06 Jan, 2017

    HR, 1 Person, occupation: Dental Tecnnician

    457 to 186 Temporary Residence Transition

    No document required, from received directly to Finalised

    Processed in NSW


    Wish you all have good luck :)



    Hi Summer615 - Congratulations!

  11. u r probably right, mate. my ma had some transition got pr, the latest ones are from may, no DE recently as well.



    I'll ask my MA next week to find out if they are seeing the same position regarding DE visa processing/approval time and to find out when their last DE application was approved/processed.


    Jess6 (and any other DE folk) any news from your MA?

  12. thank you Richo indeed for sharing this infor

    what happened to mar, they seem to skip mar apps


    I hope it is due to the small sample size. I remember a post a while back that compared the total applications to the number of entries on the spreadsheet but I couldn't find it.


    In Dec my MA advised that the Dept had starting processing DE applications made in March but there are unprocessed DE applications that predate March so I don't know what that actually means.


    I'm interested in any other feedback regarding DE processing times for applications made in June or any other months!

  13. Hey - I'm also a DE waiting from March. Word from my MA is that Transition applicants are looking like 6-8 months and going pretty steady, however, DE applications are held up - there's no understanding of why. I've been told waiting a year is a reality. (2 x DE LR, Marketing Specialist, no word.)


    Late in December my MA advised that the Dept were looking at applications lodged in March 2016.


    I looked at the spreadsheet for DE applications listed Feb thru June and recognising this information represents a small sample of all of the 186 applications it generally makes grim reading for DE applicants.


    Feb Finalised 9 Not Finalised Yet 4

    Mar Finalised 6 Not Finalised Yet 3

    Apr Finalised 1 Not Finalised Yet 9

    May Finalised 8 Not Finalised Yet 6

    Jun Finalised 2 Not Finalised Yet 8

  14. Hi Richo, may I ask you what is your occupation? And are you in NSW? I am also June DE so interested in seeing how things will go!


    Hi Jess,


    Yes I'm in NSW and my Occupation is Management Consultant. My other details are Nomination June 16th and Visa June 21st.


    If you are using an MA have they given you any feedback on likely processing times for June DE applications?


    Let me know how you go.



  15. Our MA has the login so we can't check as they do others in the workplace too can we create our own login too or not?


    Hi tuckersgirl,


    Yes you can. You'll need to create an immiaccount and then import your application to this once you have created the account. To import the application you need your TRN number or your application number plus your DOB, and passport number and country of issue. I can see on my immiaccount that my MA will automatically be emailed should there be any changes to the status of my application or any other communication/request made by the Dept.


    Honestly if you have a good MA I don't think having access yourself adds any value whatsoever and if you are like me you will have to fight the urge to continually log on an check and check your status. It's an efficient system but its not a positive experience. I recommend leaving it to your MA who will let you know of any changes to the status of your application and will let you know if you the Dept have any questions/requests. The status update is expressed as one word e.g. "received" and there is a date when your application was last updated (mine is set at my application date in June and presumably this will change if the status of my application changes or if the Dept request some information. There isn't any information about when your application might be processed.


    Personally I wish I hadn't set myself up to get access but the choice is yours!

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