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Posts posted by APR15

  1. 7 hours ago, Zee14042016 said:

    Hi everyone and @Izzielizzie @badaich87 @syd2016 @APR15 @Khushi02aug @Elliotkan

    Finally it's my turn to post something positive.

    I got both my nomination and visa approval today.

    Applied both nomination and visa on 14th April 2016 through agent

    Occupation is Market Research Analyst - (This is now a removed occupation as per new rules. Luckily i had applied last year)

    Nomination got approved first, after which i was asked for employer referral letter (which we submit during skill assessment). 

    I submitted that immediately and got visa approval within another hour or so.

    Few suggestions to people waiting -  

    My agent did NOT submit form 80. So pretty much what they request depends on your case. I did pester my agent to submit it after reading threads online. However ensure you submit what they need, don't panic on reading other peoples' cases like I did please.

    I know the wait is very very stressful, however make sure you do not let it get onto you like it did to me. Staying calm is hard, but try. 

    If you have an agent try following up through the agent because a couple of times the immix people who received my calls have given me different answers to the same questions and also asked me to contact via agent, not directly. 

    Thank you very much! This forum has been my only support after my family back in my home country.

    I will pray for all of you waiting. Cheers!

    Congrats Mate! Good to see April ones getting cleared.

  2. 12 hours ago, badaich87 said:

    Thanku and if u could plz tell me if your employer had to upload any recent bas or other docs or u just submitted the ones at the time of application.....



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

    No, nothing additional was asked from the employer. 

  3. 46 minutes ago, badaich87 said:

    Wow so happy for u mate
    , congratulations, that brings a ray of hope for us April applicants ..... enjoy your pr lifeemoji322.pngemoji106.png

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


    Yeah, pending applications seem to be getting attention now. All the very best to you.

  4. Hi @badaich87, @marianaammon, @jess6, @Vickiw89, Zee14042016 - what a nightmare, huh???


    We are hitting 1 year in a few weeks. The good news is, I've stopped constantly checking...the bad news is that I'm no longer expecting to get a CO allocated anytime soon. Just gutted by this unfair process - complete, solid application (at least by their published standards) - but still no CO allocated after 11 months, and NO explanation or helpful input from IMMI. Beyond ridiculous. Contacting them is useless too as they even act like we're irrational and impatient for questioning the long wait.


    Also, asking people to please stop hiding the older tabs on our spreadsheet. Those are not neglected updates - there are still many waiting from early 2016 and late 2015. Let's not forget them too.


    Dear IMMI, thanks for working hard and for all the PR grants. Please try to remember all the older pending files - give everyone a fair go!


    I visit this site with a hope that someone from March/April has been allocated. Some traction on these two months applications will be a reassurance that IMMI hasn't lost our applications. Tired of waiting but can't do anything about. Hang in there. One day will be our day.

  5. @April16, @Izzielizzie, @jess6, @Gary1985 and @anyone who is waiting since March/April - WHAT IS WRONG WITh APRIL APPLICATIONS? Have they just lost all our data on the online system or has it all crashed!!

    I have lost every last bit of patience with this ridiculous illogical process. I contacted my MA again (who refuses to call the department) and today she finally said that the Department don't look favourably on following up on any application. However as an exception she will send a follow-up and see what's going on.

    Last week when i called the department, the guy who received informed that the application has not even been allocated yet. He asked to wait until mid march and advised that if nothing happens till then, email the department requesting to process the application. :wacko:


    No movement on my application as well. Waiting..

  6. @lellor, I'm DE - yes, noticed that for some transition ones too!


    @Zee140416, that theory makes sense - but you would think they'd have a contingency plan for slow teams - how can it be that so many older cases have not been allocated at all, and they're already approving cases in the new financial year? I didn't use an MA for the visa app, but have asked and they said this is very odd.


    @April16 and @APR15, on our spreadsheet alone only 57% of APR cases have been finalised! I know we are basically helpless and will just have to wait, but surely once it has gone well past average processing times, they would at least notice and start prioritising older cases?


    You'd think that they'd try to catch up on backlog at least..or give us an idea as to the timeframe. So painful and worst bit is not knowing when or why. Over 10 months for a number of us now and a few have messaged me - they've been waiting since Jan, Feb and @aussiepr has been waiting over 510 days!


    Right so I just noticed that I am now a 'senior member' in the forum - to think I only joined 4+ months after lodging. Ha ha. Good luck to us all. Hope it comes this month for us. Let's will it.


    Hi Izzielizzie,


    Your post are always reassuring and brings some peace in this madness. All the best and yes lets hope our applications get some attention too.

  7. Any FEB, MAR and APR applicants whose cases haven't even been allocated yet? It's over 10 months for us now! Getting so depressing.


    We submitted nom and visa, frontloaded all requirements (and even forms they didn't ask for), etc. - everything to get it done ASAP to no avail. I notice there hasn't been much approvals for the earlier months at all. Does anyone have any news?



    I am waiting too. No movement since we lodged in April. Unlucky us..

  8. Nearly 9 months in 3 days and still no news at all....??? This is really getting frustrating now... what is DIBP upto ..... anyone still waiting from april2016...???[emoji17][emoji57]



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk



    Yes, silently watching and waiting. Nomination and Visa lodged on 15th April. No movement since then.

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