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Posts posted by Siddu

  1. Hi all

    can someone tell how long does it take to get PCC in Oz.

    as I live in NSW do I need to apply through courier or in person?

    one more thing Melbourne office is closer to me just couple of hrs drive, 

    or can I update it later after lodging my visa, I want to travel to India and submit from their one of friend said it's matter of 5mins over their to get the certificate.

    thanks in advance 

  2. Hi all

    i have doubt I'm on 457 visa now which was granted on 10/4/2015 but started my full time 457 work from 12/5/2015. First I was granted for 1 year visa ie 9/4/2016.

    applied for 457 visa on 24/3/2016 and granted on 2/8/2016 for 4 years now.

    in between the 457 visas I was on bridging visa from 10/4/2016 to 1/8/2016 approximately I was on bridging visa for 3.5 months.

    now my question is can I lodge my ENS after 12/5/2017 which completes my 2 years or experience for same employer on 457 visa or do I need to wait till 2/8/2017 to wait and cover that bridging visa as well ?

    my fear is from 1/7/2017 immigration is asking for 6.0 each band IELTS.

    as per the old rules I have 6.5 over all score with 5.5 in 2 modules.

    reply would be appreciated TIA

  3. Hi to All,


    I am new on this forum and very happy to know all of our friends are on same boat, don't have any other option except waiting and waiting.

    Dear friends, I do have few question on which i do believe any of you can help on this, before that i have to tell my story first.


    I have got 457 visa on 21 september 2014 for 1 year because of my sponsor restaurant was new in business. I again apply visa on 20/9/2015 and on this time it took 5 months to get approval, so on 20/02/2016 i got 457 visa for 4 more years. According to the law after 2 years we can apply for PR(ENS 186) so i applied on 10/10/2016 for ENS 186 visa so from that day i am on bridging visa A and its been nearly 5 months waiting period.

    My questions are:,

    1. As per migration agent though now i am in ENS Bridging Visa A, I don't have to apply Bridging Visa B to travel to other country because i still have valid 457 visa for 3 years more, IS THIS TRUE ?


    2. As i applied second time 457 visa on 21/9/15 after 1 year visa finish, at this time it took 5 months to get approval, so i was on bridging visa on that time period. Is that 5 months will be counted or not.


    3. As i don't know whether my Employer have paid my superannuation or not and pretty much sure they haven't paid in that case what will be happen. Does immigration ask for the paper of superannuation or not. Does any one know on this forum to which immigration ask for the superannuation paper too.


    My Migration Agent don't say anything on this and always ignore my question as he is from the Employer side.


    Please guys help me on my question.


    Thank you all and all the best for all of you to get PR asap.






    Hi G,

    even I was in the same boat like first 1 year visa then again applied took 4 months to get another 457 visa for 4 years, was about to apply for ENS in may as per my first grant visa date, but my MA said have to work for those 4 months again as I was inn bridgging visa that time it won't cover that 457 visa experience.

    he said that we can lodge ENS by taking risk , but now a days Migration got bit strict so I said not a problem for me to work for 4 more months, which would be covering all 2 years of work on 457 visa.

    anyway I'm going on holidays for 35 days. I have not taken any holidays or annual leaves in the last 2 years.

  4. Hi G,

    even I was in the same boat like first 1 year visa then again applied took 4 months to get another 457 visa for 4 years, was about to apply for ENS in may as per my first grant visa date, but my MA said have to work for those 4 months again as I was inn bridgging visa that time it won't cover that 457 visa experience.

    he said that we can lodge ENS by taking risk , but now a days Migration got bit strict so I said not a problem for me to work for 4 more months, which would be covering all 2 years of work on 457 visa.

    anyway I'm going on holidays for 35 days. I have not taken any holidays or annual leaves in the last 2 years.

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