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Posts posted by Raj1985

  1. Hi @badaich89 @jess6 - sadly no such luck, ha ha! I can view my application again this morning...and my file's still received. @Gary1985, how are ya mate? Any news?? You're over 1 year now! Has your MA contacted IMMI?


    It's March next week - all pending April files are a month closer to 1 year waiting with no CO. Really hope they remember all the older pending files and work on it soon! :wacko:


    Hi izIe , I am good thanks how you doin? Still same status , called MA and email as well they say just wait .. don't what to do ?

    of the

  2. Hi @SimonPang, how devastating - so sorry to hear that. Do agree with the others above - as a software engineer, can you apply independently via skillselect EOI or perhaps via state sponsorship? If you get your skills positively assessed, doors will open - and prob much more quickly than via ENS nowadays. Best of luck!


    @Gary1985 and @jess6, we're still in limbo but finally got our employer's agent to follow-up w/IMMI since we're hitting 11 months! They advised a few more weeks for allocation. So I'm holding off on calling myself - it's better than the usual "call in a month" or "might be allocated in a month or so" that I've heard previously. Earnestly praying that this time, it's for real. Our 457 is lapsing soon too, not to mention among other things, the requirements that might expire since we applied both nom and visa decision-ready.


    CONGRATS to all the recent PRs!


    To the others waiting a long time, hoping we hear positive news in the coming weeks. Meantime, sorry for the late responses - I'm trying to focus on other things. Thinking about how long it's taking (while others seem to get it in half the time it seems) makes me insanely anxious so I'm trying to minimise the time/energy/damage.


    Hey izzi, finally you back ... what's happening bro ? When is our turn ?

  3. Hi everyone,


    My visa got approved this afternoon! :jiggy:


    If you want the details I'm Richo on the June2016 worksheet on the spreadsheet. The forum has been fantastic in terms of sharing information and knowing that I'm not the only one going through it so a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to the forum and everyone who has entered their details on the spreadsheet. To all the silent watchers you should join in and share too.


    I really hope everyone's applications get approved soon especially @MANSON, @jesse6, @Lizzielizzie, those people on bridging visas and those people who have been waiting longer than 6 months. The waiting really is quite tough mentally and certainly it is frustrating especially when other people who applied months after you with on what on face value look like very similar applications get their applications approved.


    I'm looking forward to seeing you all on the equivalent citizenship forum in about a years time!




    Hey Richo,

    cograts finally you made it .

  4. Hello Everyone February start good luck to all who waiting from last longSpecially DE people and Also as cooks Yesterday I was rang to immigration and got Same reply We just workout with amarch to June filesBut as per spreadsheet we can see many approvals from end of July as wellI can't understand Their processing style.Finger cross and good luck to all.

    Hi April 16 I am waiting from 12th feb de cook? Still same status .

  5. Hi guys i was a silent follower of this forum, my time line is 03 march 2016 for nomination and on 20th January 2017 received a refusal notification.

    in between they asked for supporting documents which I did provided them the reason for refusal is the net profit of the sponsored company is low.

    My MA asking me to go for Appeal. Anybody have any idea on it.



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    hi sayed , are you able tell us how much net profit your company taking?

  6. Guys!! Very happy to know that my application has been finalised today! They asked for updated company documents e.g BAS, then state changed to finalised after 6 working days! The waiting is over! Every dog has its day guys, don't be stressful.



    is there any other document they ask? Just only bas?

  7. Hi @jess6, I think it's the combination of our occupation and being DE. I have yet to see MS DE getting quick approval - at least not for the applications in our timeframe?


    Seems we also got unlucky timing-wise, in that the industrial action issues peaked around SEP-OCT. But I agree - ridiculous if DE were slower, particularly for onshore cases like ours with positive skills assessment and local experience.


    Hitting 9 years in Australia so all the experience assessed and submitted are Australian. Solid employer and frontloaded all requirements including checks, medicals, form 80. And here we are, about to hit 10months and still no CO allocated. Mind-boggling and painful wait.


    Same here , I am nearly 1 year. 12 th feb De cook

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