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Posts posted by Nasir

  1. very informative point- thanks mate I even never thought about it. good on ya'


    Things work differently for PR and 457 stream. For 457 stream you need immi to approve the company once. Which is one to many . For PR the company nomination approval is one to one. It has to happen each time. You and your company shoul have submitted these documents at the time of application to maje your process smoother. Better late than never 


    Sent from my SM-N9005 using Tapatalk

  2. Thank you for your email requesting an update in this matter.


    You may be aware that there is a general delay in assessing applications at present.


    We will keep you updated if and when we require further information so as to progress the application.



    Your understanding is appreciated.


    Kind regards,


    LOL, delay in assessing applications at "PRESENT"???? C'mon I'd say "ALWAYS"

  3. Hi everyone


    I have a very stupid question to ask....how to edit my signature? I would like to share my current status....I already looked for the edit signature function for two hrs...:cry::cry::cry:


    Just go to "settings" on top right of your screen and then "EDIT SIGNATURE" on left side column.

  4. https://www.google.com.au/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://www.ajurialawyers.com.au/uploads/56412/ufiles/Sponsor_Monitoring_-_How_are_the_subclass_457_visa_sponsors_monitored_by_the_Department_of_Immigration.pdf&ved=0ahUKEwiGxaLxiIbNAhUGH6YKHcyJDXMQFggoMAQ&usg=AFQjCNHNJFjtqM5SFw2oOehXUTT2hNA9Hw&sig2=7i9iEhbZb2znH3CupWjigw


    Here is the link. It says 35 thousands active sponsor in 2013-14.. 2223 were monitored and 1278 site visit among them. Looks like monitoring and site visit are not the same. 1 in 27 applicant had site visit.


    I forgot wether i said or not every month from forum getting at least 1 site visit. I thought as tj already had one so no body else might get a site visit from september. But now we have 2. There will be at least 1 or 2 of octobers



    @auusiepr! I wonder whether tj has got PR yet?

  5. Don't know how many times I thanked God :::


    Yes , the day has come ---Aus Pr Granted yesterday


    Waiting game ends


    A sense of satisfaction .


    I used to see form number of times that gave me

    courage to wait patiently


    Wishing good luck those r waiting .




    Congratulations....Enjoy the new life

  6. Hi everyone,

    I have just called immigration after a long wait they told me they are processing sep file and told me that they will take atleast 6 to 9 months , so now it's 9 months instead 8 months , I have no idea whats going on, and they are not giving CO name and just gave me some random email address to email them very upsetting guys .


    9 months whatt??? another baby will come out by then and then passport , birth cert etc etc

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