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Everything posted by Louhods

  1. Hi. When you did your practice test what score did you get? I've been doing the practice papers and doing well but only got overall score 64 when I did practice exam :-( I need this for points also and missed out on IELTS only got 7,7.5,8,8.5.
  2. We are looking at Brisbane. Was looking at Adelaide but there didn't seem to be as many jobs? So it doesn't seem to of taken long from ANMAC to visa?? So I have booked IELTS then going to do ANMAC and AHPRA at the same time. can't wait we are all so excited just want to go! No I don't have the 5 births bit. :-/ can you work in something else whilst you wait for registration do you know? :-)
  3. Thanks all. I do have a degree. I have also done continuity of care in my degree recently so fingers crossed. The AHPRA form looks very complicated ?
  4. Thank you yes I realise you need English test and ANMAC before EOI it was the APHRA bit I wasn't sure about. So I can sort APRHA after as you just need that to get a job I presume!
  5. Hi All. UK midwife here. Wanting a skilled visa ASAP! still cannot seem to find out if I can do English test, ANMAC skills assessment then EOI or if I need to be APRHA registered before I do this?? Im happy to register once I have a visa if this is possible. So I suppose I'm asking can I apply for skilled visa without being APRHA registered?? English test booked :-) hoping to do some traveling on the way so was hoping wouldn't matter if the APRHA Reg took a bit longer. Please help.
  6. Hi all. we are a family at the very beginning of our emigrating journey. I am keen to get on with it as we made the decision a while ago. Where do we start? I believe I need to be skill assessed by the relevant body, in my case ANNAC I am a midwife. I have also started the EOI application. Any advice great fully received. :-)
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