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Everything posted by Quokka2005

  1. No the Union street in Glasgow. Beside central station
  2. It’s bad but I’d still rather spend time there than Union street
  3. Quokka2005


    Thats sad i got talking to her on another site and she tried to help me and Dave. I liked reading her posts on here too. Sorry to hear that, RIP
  4. <p><p>No I'm in Scotland</p></p>

  5. <p><p>Going back to Scotland on Monday</p></p>

  6. <p><p>Tomorrow is really the only day I'm free because I've got rottnest on Tuesday and then busy on Wednesday and possibly Thursday but I need to speak to someone about that. I fly at 11pm on Thursday night</p></p>

  7. <p><p>The trip back to Perth wasn't very nice, felt too long. My digs are alright but too warm</p></p>

  8. <p><p>Hey I won't get into Perth until around 7pm and then I'll have to get to my hostel etc so I'll probably give it a miss but definitely meet up soon?</p></p>

  9. <p><p>I'm still working in that pub. I leave in 2 weeks</p></p>

  10. It seems to have helped my breathing and I lost a bit of weight in Perth because I was walking around more. Now that I've went remote ive found I stay in all the time, sleep loads and I've put weight back on because I suppose I've been "comfort eating". I think I convinced myself I'd be more energetic over here but im still the same lazy sloth
  11. <p><p>Nope nowhere was nice as that! Just a small country town inland. But im not putting the name up on the forum</p></p>

  12. <p><p>I wasn't running around after everyone. I messaged on my travel thread and the people who wanted to meet asked to meet me. Most people didnt bother</p></p>

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