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Everything posted by samjwilli

  1. Hi yes unfortunately you need a degree to work/move to Oz. X
  2. Hi geosurfer - we will be on the same flights but we are going to Perth!!! I didnt know know about the 40singapore $! Thanks
  3. We leave in 9 days I transferred £10k before the £ decreased in our Aussie bank account. I'm not concerned, I've got more money in the bank in the UK for when the £ strengthens again for a better exchange rate.
  4. erm nope! You don't need a penny in the bank to obtain a 189 visa - your informant is incorrect. Good luck xx
  5. As the others have said - I wouldn't fully trust my oh to choose an area, house, school without me being there. We are leaving on the 3rd July and are in the process of sorting through the house - it's by far the worse bit for me and very stressful. Organising letting agents, removals, tip/charity runs its a lot to do with two kids and working full time. My kids are 5 and 2 years and haven't really noticed the stress, their life is exactly the same, school/nursery, going to the park, supermarket etc they are both really excited about our new adventure. I'm glad I'm a team of 2 doing all of this not on my own. My kids so far have been very resilient to the changes around them so far and I'm sure it will continue. We we have a temp accommodation for the first 8 weeks while our stuff is being shipped over, it means we are choose a new home together as a family. Good luck
  6. We are taking everything with us. Our friends who emigrated a few years ago advised us to take all of our white goods as they are extremely expensive in Oz.
  7. Hi! My husband has just passed his application stage for Western Australia police and has been given his assessment days which are in August. He is a qualified paramedic and has been working as a police special in the UK for the last few years. I was wondering if anyone has any experience or advise of the assessment process please?? We are arriving in Perth on the 4th July 2016 Thanks Sam.
  8. I live and work in Yorkshire. I am a community nurse and treat a lot of patients in Beverley/hull, and I'd steer clear of a the area and a HU postcode. You could move further a field towards York or Leeds but you then would be commuting. I live in between Leeds and York close to the motorways - hull/Beverley is approx 45-1hr drive. Id vote Norfolk if it's only a choice between the two areas.
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