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About Irina

  • Birthday 02/09/1984

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Member (2/6)



  1. Got my direct grant today! Yay, very happy!:jiggy: Here is my timeline and some info: HR Country, Single Applicant, F IELTS(A): L7.5R.7.5W7.0S7.5 (17.05.14) CPA Subm: 221111(21.08.2015) CPA Assessed(21.09.2015) EOI Submitted 75pt(190) (26.10.2015) NSW SS Nomination(29.10.2015) Invited, 190 (19.11.2015) All documents frontloaded (24.11.2015)expt meds finalised 04.12.2015 IMMI Grant Notice (09.12.2015) e.g. 15 calendar days Wish you all best of luck and quick grants!
  2. Guys, wish you all the best and may we all have nice Xmas presents from DIBP in the coming days! Keep my fingers and toes crossed! :wink:
  3. Congratulations Selina, we all are very happy for you! all the best in your future in Oz! :hug:
  4. that's gonne be your present before Xmas, I keep my fingers crossed for you :hug:
  5. saacor,prasvik86,what type of information were you requested by CO?
  6. Just paid for the visa now and will be uploading the documents soon... Count me in this November queue :wubclub:
  7. CapitainC, could you please advise what spreadsheet are you talking about? I am quite new to the process of visa application timeline
  8. Hello CapitainC, quick and to the point as usual. Thanks for your reply. Just want to report that I managed to fix the problem - for those faced the same issue, please try to use a different internet browser. I failed to do this with Firefox but succeeded with Safari. Best of luck to everyone!
  9. Guys, have anyone tried to lodge the visa and pay for it after the system was down? This might sound a bit funny but the card number field is limited to 13 symbols instead of 16.:err: Have anyone faced this issue?
  10. Best if luck guys and I keep my fingers crossed for you!!! :cute:
  11. Hi guys, this may sound a bit off-topic to you but as you have already passed this - I have recently received an invitation to apply for visa and would like to frontload all the docs as many people do. Would you please point in the direction where can I get a HAP ID that is required for med exams? Since I am doing everything on my own I will like a bull in a china shop navigation thru skillselect. Thanks in advance for your help!
  12. CapitainC, I have sent a PM to you, would you please take a look and advise on this. Appreciate your assistance very much!
  13. OMG:unsure: bad news indeed CapitainC... so if chances are slim, many of accountants I suppose will seek the ways to boost their scores... if we consider current trend with invitations sent out monthly, we have all chances that few people with 65 will apparently get invited :sad:
  14. Thanks for your reply CapitainC, what I have apparently done is (I presume) I have amended my EOI from 189 to 190 now when linked the same e-mail. Does this mean that it now can somehow be challenged by DIBP for correctness? I do not see that I can somehow create 2 EOIs using the same ID. Therefore I left previous EOI as is (190) and created a different EOI for 189 using a completely different email with the same profile details as in (now apparently) my 190 EOI. Is this correct approach to submit EOIs?
  15. Dear all, I would appreciate to have your advise on the following: I have originally submitted the EOI for 189 visa on Sep 21st,2015 and looking at the current situation for accountants have made a decision to submit a separate EOI for 190 visa to seek an option to have another path with NSW SS. To do this, I used the same e-mail and had an email sent to me that a new EOI has been created, it looked strange the it automatically had all previous details I submitted in my past EOI and I thought I takes this as is it connects somehow with the details of my previous EOI looking at my e-mail. When I pressed submit it appeared that I have UPDATED (!!!) my previous EOI! This now states this is EOI for 190 visa and the DOE has been changed!! :arghh: Now it states that the submitted date is Sept, 21st and the DOE is Oct, 26th. Now this mean I am one more month forward in the backlog(((( Should I absorb this fact and created a new EOI by using a different e-mail address? Please advise!
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