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Everything posted by prasvik86

  1. How do we know that a co has come in? Do we get a mail as such from him/her?
  2. Sure Captain. Some info on this will help.
  3. Captain, how are you? I dont think a CO has been assigned as yet. No mail as such. But i see the place for me to upload the documents, so was confused. Also when does a CO come in? I also see form 1221, is that required?
  4. I submitted my application and paid the fees on August 10th. How long does it take to have a CO assigned in general? Also i declared my parents as those who will NOT accompany me, still why do they ask for their PCC and medicals?
  5. I never clicked on new application and went directly from the apply visa screen. Is that the way?
  6. Hey caf Thanks for your reply. I wasn't asked for PC or medicals before in this pages I filled in. So how does this work?? I make the payment and is it after that links to upload documents are sent??
  7. Hi All, I got the invite and then keyed in all personal details etc. I took me to a place where it said Submit application. Does the payment screen come after all this? I want to confirm this before i submit. Can anyone help regarding this? CaptainC can you please guide?
  8. Hello all. Any news on the invitation for August?? There is still no update on the website. If it still is August 3rd, we are looking at less than 2 hrs now
  9. All those waiting for invites, its come down to a day now. Good luck all
  10. All the best to all here!! Hope we all get the invites and move to the next step
  11. Thank you for explaining the process. Good to know how things work and you have made it very clear. Will keep you posted on how things go here.
  12. Set to happen on the First Monday of the Month is it? So does it happen on August 3rd for example and invites come say from 4th or so?
  13. Thank you!! Hope this Monday is a GOOD MONDAY! I submiited my EOI on July 24th under Internal Audit with 65 points.
  14. Guys, An idea why the skillselect home page doesnt have the updated details of the invitation rounds, results from the July round etc? Just curious to know how are we guessing the rounds in August could be 3rd or 10th?
  15. I am pretty sure it is. I was evaluated by VETASSESS and given a go ahead. IELTS wasnt an issue at all. been working in my domain for 6+ years now.
  16. Thanks once again. Will be curious to see what transpires next week or the week after on the invitation. Hope to get invited first. I am happy that you say i will be invited for sure. Hope your words come true
  17. Thank you Captain. Fingers crossed. I have read ppl posting that they have got their PR in like 3 months after they filed in all the papers. Is that possible? Also since i have applied under 189 is there a chance i get a job before i reach Australia? (assuming i get invited)
  18. Hi All, I submitted my EOI on July 24th under the category of Internal Auditor with a total of 65 points. Any chance that i may get invited in August? When are the invitation rounds for August scheduled? The skillslect website doesnt seem to have any information after June 2015. Some information on this will help
  19. Hi All, I submitted my EOI under 189 for the Skill of Internal Auditor with 65 points today. Any time frame within which i can expect to get invited? Can i expect to get invited in August 2015?
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