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Posts posted by E2306

  1. Ok so I'm sure this has all probably been asked a hundred times but I'm about to start the roller coaster adventure and try to do a 189 visa application without an agent. I haven't a clue where to start - am I right in saying I have to get my skills assessed before I submit an EOI?? Is it with AITSL and if so how do I go about it? Sorry this could be the start of A LOT of questions!

  2. Brother in law and fiancé are currently looking to buy so will initially be staying with them but have been looking at northern suburbs for ourselves. As for support putting us and three children up until we get on our feet will be a massive help. Whatever way we look at we are inclined to come to the conclusion that I'm more likely to secure a job in Qld and hubby in Perth. We could go to Perth and live with his brother until we get work which would be fine without kids! With waiting lists it looks like we need to get them sorted with childcare asap and can't do that without jobs. But there's no point taking the job in Qld if my husband can't get anything. So we are kinda going round in circles. Just going to have to take a risk one way or another

  3. My specialism is Art & Design but also have ICT, Re and Special Needs. From previous experience as a interior architect with Autocad skills and strong Graphics background I have been advised that I could also teach Industrial Design & Tec/Manual Arts. Rural areas seem to have the teaching jobs but we have family in Perth and my husband is a joiner whose prospects may be better there in a city location.

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