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Jen NT

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Posts posted by Jen NT

  1. It's not an email address just for sending in documents though.


    My CO told me to email that address if needed to get in touch. So when I left the UK I emailed him saying I had left. I then got the auto message above, saying it was for docs only and specifically "Any visa and citizenship enquiries sent to this mailbox will not be actioned" so you can see why people get confused!


    The day after I got that auto email, I got an email back from my CO.




    Thank you Im glad you guys understood what I was on about and you have put my mind to rest as I was not sending any documents, Just info.

  2. My 10 months is up on the 19th July and we are currently throwing around the idea of emailing our CO on that day to give hime a nudge.

    Any advice on what we should put in the email?


    Hi just a little confused I sent an email to DP on monday via the link in first email and have used before when was asked to provide extra info but had a different automated message this time




    ___________________________________________________________________*** This automated message is confirmation we have received your email***

    This mailbox is for providing DOCUMENTS ONLY.





    This is new and not what I had before and have no response either (previous emails had response with in 24 hours) so dont know if he got email or not...


    If you do send an email please let me know if you get a response..... thanks



















  3. Unfortunately not yet for us, fingers crossed for the 19th July.



    Hopefully DP will grant a big bunch of visas in one go.... (wishful thinking I know but one lives in hope)....


    Id really like to go out in September for many reasons the main 2 are one weather wise as it will give us chance to acclimatise a little before the build up begins and two my middle child changes school in September and I really dont want to have to buy a whole new uniform for us to be able to go not long after plus shes not keen about the new school here...

  4. Come on DP... Give us a break.

    I'm going crazy, I know I haven't reached the 10 month marker quite just yet but I've been a really good girl this year and it's my other half's birthday today. We could open the champers and celebrate all in one!

    Pfft... anyone else checking their emails about a hundred times a day?! Lol



    its almost worse than having your teeth pulled out... I feel your pain already but still got a couple of months to go as applied in November....

    Hopefully you will hear something soon x

  5. Hi Aussiegirl my husband went up to London as he is the aussie but said he just had to wait for his appointment and stood at the counter while they went through the forms and asked for various documents ie birth certificates, citizenship by descent certificates our marriage certificate etc.... and was done in half hour and that was for 3 kids passports and to renew his own... just make sure you have everything with you and you have filled out the forms all should be fine..... Hubby said there were others there while he was waiting who didnt have the forms signed or any photos done and were causing all sorts of probs and were still trying to get there passports after he left....

  6. Hi Bound4Tassie when we applied for citizenship by descent for the kids it took just over a month till we got the certificates so hopefully you will get yours soon.


    We've just applied for the passports last week all went well and had an email today saying they have been processed and should be with us soon...


    Now all we need is the visa to be granted board of waiting now.....

  7. Hi all, Pookie72 you've done a great job with the list will be interesting to see the visa grants when they happen.


    I have to say the waiting is killing me the anticipation of when its gonna happen is now just painful... really do hope they manage to approve them alittle early as would really like to go in September but dont really expect to hear from them till then...


    Just to ask is anyone going to Darwin?

  8. Hi all, Pookie72 you've done a great job with the list will be interesting to see the visa grants when they happen.


    I have to say the waiting is killing me the anticipation of when its gonna happen is now just painful... really do hope they manage to approve them alittle early as would really like to go in September but dont really expect to hear from them till then...


    Just to ask is anyone going to Darwin?

  9. Hi Gbamber there seems to be quite a few who applied in Nov will be interesting to see who gets theirs first. Really would like to be able to go in Sept as I know the later in the year we go the climate difference will be quite challenging for all of us as we are moving to Darwin and its been 10 years since we were last there....

    Has there really been Sept grants done already??? havent seen that... oooh sounds promising...

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