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Posts posted by nyorksgrannie

  1. Hi all. I am beginning to feel my 'drama queen' propensity has kicked in. An underlying heart condition kicked in due to the stress doc reckons and I have been under medical care for a week but getting better. Our sons uk police check through up a problem - some trouble he got into without our knowledge - he didn't want to admit to it as knew pain it would cause - stupid boy knew we would understand but didn't want to hurt us after all this time as happened when he was 14/15. So now Immi making us wait up to 40 days for further info on the details of the warning Harri received even though they freely admit won't affect our meeting criteria and is just a formality. Looks like my husbands job offer he had lined up is going to be withdrawn. Well positive note is one less family skeleton in the cupboard to find and at least I have had medical and passed before this recent relapse. Kim


    Hi Kim, really sorry you have had so much stress to make you ill, hopefully the time will pass quickly now to getting your visa and your son must be relieved that you now know and can put it behind you, and you passed your medical!

    Enjoy your view and think calm thoughts, it will all work out I am sure.


  2. Well, the removal men phoned yesterday and asked if they could come half a day early! Wow it,s now 2.18 the following day and half the contents have gone to store and I'm surrounded by boxes and wrapped furniture waiting to go on Monday. Three very nice staff members from Chudley International who work referrals from Anglo Pacific. So far so good, just some more sorting to do over the weekend.

    processing date stuck this week (I didn,t even think I would have time to look). Ah well que sera sera. Roll on legal completion next Wednesday, although getting out of the house early is a nuisance it will be a big relief to have it all done and dusted. The cobwebs in the house that I hadn't noticed until now we're a shock, at least they are not from red backs!




    Great news Julie, better early than late and cleaning up after them will hopefully take your mind off things, things are happening not long now, also if you have any bottles of wine, gin etc left you have a good excuse to drink it!

    Hope all goes well for you I will miss seeing your cheery face on here.

  3. Hi @nyorksgrannie. I know exactly which restaurant you mean. If you had looked to your right whilst facing sea there and looked about 3/4 up the hill in the middle then that's us! Nice to of someone coming my way as many of my fellow waiting room inmates are Perth bound. House prices are horrendous here so are renting as we have got investment properties still in uk that can cover this. It has been nice 'testing' house here without actually committing money to buy. We live in a modern 'thunderbirds' style house which I could never have imagined and love it. We want to build something but until visa granted we just don't want to commit to as quite different to uk in terms of buying and we want to be confident we know what we are doing. When out here come visit as any fellow parent welcome as we have all suffered the same pain!!! Kim


    We would also prefer to build if we can find land or knock down, we will hve to rent to start with, as regards the pain I fear we have more to come as our date gets nearer, good luck with yours you will be relieved when you can look for house/land - not long now!

  4. Hi Kim , Thinking of all of you affected by the storms it sounds horrendous. You live in a beautiful spot we have been to the restaurant/shop at Church point, at least I think thats what it is called, one of our favourite spots, also the cafes in Newport. We are likely to go a bit further north from you due to house prices as we are passed retirement age. Possibly Avoca or Brisbane water, we need to be under an hour from Berowra Heights and would like views, any tips? we hope to be there next year but who knows with an unknown number of applicants each year.


  5. Hi and welcome, At the moment it is taking around two years to get a case officer but as we don't know how many people apply each year it is difficult to predict. You will then be issued with a Number to enable you to have medicals, it is only after Immi receive the results of the medical, police checks and check your documents that you will be asked for AOS - I haven't got to that stage so hope I am right in this, others will correct me if wrong.

  6. Hi, I emailed our agent asking if they had access to any list of how many applicants there were each year and about the current situation - they don't, this is reply.


    "You are correct the DIBP have just issued a notification that places for Parent Visas are filled for the year ended June 2016 and that allocation for final processing

    for contributory Parent Visas are currently for Offshore subclass 173 or 143 - 16 May 2014 applications received"

  7. I sympathize having lost my father in early 2014 which is when I felt free to apply for our visas, there was nobody else to be there for him so I wouldn't leave him, until the last few months he was very independant but lonely, I miss him but it has set us free to join our family in Oz (fingers crossed) it is one of the dilemmas of people living longer the pull between the elderly and grandchildren, not easy whatever you do. Good luck !


  8. Hi Skeesley, Julie, Alan and others not getting through until after June, It must be so disappointing I feel for all of you, do I assume that all applicants from early May to end of June 2014 will now be put through in the following years allocation? does anyone know if this regularly happens? Do the amount of applicants go up each year? I am wondering if we too will be delayed further when our turn comes round next year, the wait seems to be endless

    I wish you all luck despite the extra expense you now have to endure due to delay, enjoy your celebration drinks when you all finally get there.

  9. Great news Maisie and to all you other 2014ers about to go through the door good luck, your messages have been extremely helpful (and worrying) we are a year behind you and I hope the wait doesn't get longer than two years ! It is frustrating not knowing how many people have applied in a year. Does anyone know whether immi process all applications from around the world in the Perth office?

    Cheers from me when you all get there and meet up in a bar.

  10. Hi Alan, we are a long way behind you but of like mind we went to Budapest, Belgium, Germany, switzerland, Italy (ligurian riviera)

    australia last year Florida and Barbados early this year and are going to Paris, Sicily, Maastricht this year, might as well see what we can

    while the travel is cheaper than from Oz, if we ever get there! takes the mind temporarily off the waiting game!

    Good luck and I hope you and others in April/May 14 hear something SOON.


  11. Hi Lisa Lou we were told by shipping company that we couldn't ship until visa granted but our furniture etc could go in a container and be stored (at a cost), it all has to be packed by them and we would sign each packing list, they know how to word it for customs. Any vacuum cleaners or garden furniture has to be spotlessly cleaned, we will probably leave behind these items.

    Good luck, hope this helps.

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