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Everything posted by RebeccaMatt

  1. I understand , but that's life. It never goes perfect there will be ups and downs no matter where you go, can't expect everything to go the way you want it. But you never know if you don't take the chance and it also works out well for a lot of people. No ones story is enough to stop us from wanting to make a go of it, your luck could be just as bad if they had stayed at home, but then they would of never known. You can't go expecting too much or of course you'll be disappointed
  2. A lot of different opinions its tough we always thought that we wanted Perth no matter what but moving with our little one and the intention of growing our family once were settled were now thinking closer to family of some sort might be better. We've always dreamt of moving , since we got married everything has been about saving for Oz and now we actually have the savings to do it we want to be sure we do it right. Were 100% on going , we have nothing to leave behind here most of my family are scattered all round the world so I definitely think Oz is the right move for us. We've never been the sort to expect a lot out of life all we ask for is a nice outdoor lifestyle where my husband won't be working 7am-12pm just to get us by. Speaking to people in Perth they think its great for families , but if you ask people in Brisbane they think Brisbane is better for families lol there is a lot to think about, but from just doing a quick job search on seek there seems to be a lot more available in Brisbane than in Perth
  3. I think cut off is the wrong way to put it , I mean more if we got stuck in Perth and there was more opportunities in the East we would be forking out a good bit to move again
  4. I'm a bit useless my whole life has been working in competition yards with horses where the pay is rubbish no matter where you go and hard to get into unless you know someone lol and my highest qualifications are a-level business and IT and now I stay at home with our son. See were also thinking at least if things go pear shaped in Brisbane we aren't cut off from everywhere else like we would be in Perth.
  5. Even though I am just after posting about where to rent in Perth, I've been reading up a lot since then lol our original plan was for my husband to work for his friend in Perth while we got on our feet but now it's starting to look like he may find it extremely difficult to find another job in Perth? Is unemployment that bad? He is an air con technician and his wage working for his friend would be very low but our hope was to look for another job when we got there but that plan seems like it might not work with so many people losing their jobs. Our back up plan is Brisbane where we have family we could possibly stay with , only that plan means moving over with no work at all but maybe a better chance of finding a decent paid job? Any advice?? We have saved a good bit of cash and another year at least of saving should give us enough to get by for a good few months , especially if we have family support, Brisbane possibly the safer bet ?
  6. WeWe are staying with friends in Perth when we move just until we get on our feet. We know how expensive Perth is as our friends live in the city (we could never ever afford to). They've always lived there so they are rubbish for suggesting where else to look. Any suggestions on where to look? We aren't looking anything extravagant but somewhere that wouldn't be overly expensive and easy to get a bit of garden space and minimum 3 bed?
  7. Yes , I heard there wasn't much selection from people we know in Perth. They're the ones that told us we would pay a fortune for clothes there, worth the money but an awful lot to spend if you do have children that are going to have them ruined anyway. I personally love getting my boy little joggers and t-shirts in Asda, they don't last long but he would only get about two weeks out of clothes anyway . he ruined his next clothes just as quick ! Lol
  8. I don't know what to expect now! I was told clothes etc can be very expensive , but maybe that depends where we will live? thanks for the suit idea though ! I never would of thought of something like that I think the only suit my husband owns is the one he got married in lol I like the packing idea because we can add just a little each month while we wait, the wait really drags out ...
  9. Lol I think I'm just as excited about packing my suitcase as I am about going ! Its such a long wait my son is only one at the minute so I'll be needing to do the same with his clothes, he'll probably have more in his suitcase than us lol its great getting stuff at this time of year, so many nice summer clothes to gather up!
  10. Lol I was thinking I would probably have to stock up on my favourite skin care just in case !
  11. Were only beginning our visa but as its a long process and the actual moving will take at least a year we came up with an idea to make waiting a bit more exciting lol we bought big suitcases for each family member that are going to be filled with new little things for oz. If it god forbid it doesn't work outout, it would be a good holiday suitcase, but fingers crossed lol so were adding to them each month. So ideas of things to pack would be very helpful! Lol
  12. Thanks for the info guys ! Its one of those things I've never really thought about until we were discussing bank accounts . I understand what you mean about not moving it over right away , it shouldn't be too difficult to move when we are already in Aus though, should it ? Really appreciate the help
  13. I'm not 100% sure how my work pension works (have only been paying it for two years and work set it up?) But I am just wondering , what happens to my pension fund when I move over to Australia? I know there's works differently, does mine transfer over ? Just wondering as my work takes the money out of my pay automatically so I haven't really had to know the full in and outs of it all.. I probably should though !
  14. My husband works ridiculous hours trying to save as much as possible its just there is so much more to pay for on top of the actual visa it would be nice to be able to pay it off. We have savings but unfortunately they're in an ISA that can't be touched until after Christmas otherwise we'd probs have spent that too... Lol technically we could touch it if we really had to but then were back to square one we'd rather know that money was there when it finally comes to moving , it really does cost an absolute fortune lol
  15. Hi, can anyone explain how the payments work for your visa? Im wanting to start the application for mine soon but I can't afford that amount of money all it once , is it paid in installments or do you have to pay the full price up front ? ThanksThanks
  16. RebeccaMatt


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