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Everything posted by Southchick

  1. I live on Lake Macquarie at Warners Bay after living In both Sydney and Melbourne so happy to answer questions! I work in the Newcastle community so visit most places... I too have two young children and love it here.... the lake, the ocean, the bush, not too far from Sydney or amazing places further north for camping trips. Melbourne was very similar to England in my opinion but it really depends on what lifestyle you wish for your family. We love the beach so are blessed here... it's a twenty minute drive to my work and love love the climate. Melbourne was very cold and grey in winter! Here we are mid winter and sat in a t shirt taking in the beauty of the lake!
  2. ANMAC now won't assess your skills with a diploma and no degree now either, I can only empathise how frustrating that is for you as I would be devastated!
  3. How refreshing! What a lovely, real, positive and happy thread!! Loving it you have brightened up my night shift thank you every one, fab to hear everyone's sunny stories xxx
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