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Everything posted by CJT

  1. He did a kidney transplant himself ? I find cutting my toenails as a surgical challenge
  2. If you are planning on selling the property at a later date be carefull of the Capital Gains changes for non residents which come into effect From July 2020. Suggest you get some advice on implications of this.
  3. Good luck with the move, people only pointing out pension thing as we would hate for you to have an oh sh!t moment in the future. As long as you know where you stand then all good. FYI I felt the same way as you and moved back to the UK in 2016 - the thought of getting old out in Australia filled me with complete dread. Fitted straight back in and loving being back.
  4. Your entitlement to the UK pension will be based on years of NI contributions - the maximum you can get is 36 years which would give you the full state pension. If you get 25 years of contributions then you will get 25/36 or 70% of around £150pw. This would be the maximum UK state pension you can get. Your mum should be able to purchase some years to fill gaps - and she might be able to do this at a reduced rate as she was overseas. If she can get the state pension from Aus BEFORE she leaves she will be able to get that paid to her when she lives in the UK.
  5. You cannot get your NI history credited for years prior to 2001 if you did not have a NI number when you left. It will start from when you actually get your NI number - you also will not be able to purchase years for the same reason. Make sure you know how you will be able to fund your retirement.
  6. CJT

    The weather ?

    I'd rather have four seasons thanks. I can get out way more in the UK than I could in Australia and my skin won't turn to leather and be covered in cancers when I'm older. As lots have also said I found I was way colder in Australia during the winter - our house got down to 13 degrees and it was insulated. If the kids have such active outdoors lifestyles in Australia why is childhood obesity such a major problem over there ?
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