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Mohammad 1990

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  1. Alhamdulillah that's great news Partner may Allah SWT bless you guys. Good of to see a applications getting finalised again, in-sh-Allah there will be some more good news soon for the rest of us waiting
  2. Alhamdulillah that's good in-sh-Allah you hear some good news soon . we had our interview calls back in mid October, during the interviews they also requested further documentation including police clearance certificate and polio vaccination back then as well which we submitted in early November, since then we haven't heard anything except for a reply to an email we sent at the start of January 2015 asking for any updates, the AHC responded by saying that it was still I under process and that they would contact us if needs be. I guess it's just a matter of being patient and wait for when ever Allah SWT has planned.
  3. As-salaam-u-alikum all, I have be a silent reader of this forum for quite some time now. Partner I think I'm in a similar situation as you, as we have summitted all requested documentation, had our interviews and had the polio vaccination done back in early November and now have been waiting patiently for a response from the AHC Islamabad. So far everything has been very quiet, however some people have suggested that maybe because of the cricket World Cup in Australia coming up that staff process partner visas maybe busy processing visiting visas, how true this is I don't know but this is what some people have suggested. May Allah SWT grant us good news soon ameen. Regards Mohammad
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