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Everything posted by Danny81

  1. I'm a GP, worked in the NHS for 10 years and now here in Aus. Sorry to hear about your son. Diabetes care is improving all the time with better patient training, and new technology - it's not as scary as it used to be, just very tough for a teen to adapt to. Both systems want to get the management of childhood diabetes right - for compassionate reasons of course and the huge savings for the system in the long run. Everyone can sympathise with a kid having to face this diagnosis, so I hope you continue to get great care. The next few years will sadly see the NHS break up, and the care of 'private' and 'public' patients will be different - much like the Australian system. Don't be fooled by the Torys promise of 'increased funding' in the UK. Relative amount of money going into the NHS is falling, whilst demand and costs are rising. Funny how they don't think making £22 billion pounds of 'efficiency savings' counts as a cut. Just a government of spin and no substance. Work as a doctor in the NHS is damn tough and demoralising at the moment. Not a day goes by that the press don't publish an anti-doctor/nurse story, or the government don't try and blame us for their shortcomings. If you think you're getting good care, let staff know. A thank you after a long day on the front-line makes it all worthwhile.
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