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Everything posted by Suziedoll

  1. Thanks that's great to hear we visited Adelaide and really liked it. What do you teach?
  2. Thanks but not looking anything permanent. Just relief as not willing to go remote. Sorry should have worded that differently and said what city not state. Thanks
  3. Hi all. After your opinions please. Best state to get a constant steady flow of relief work / contract work for a secondary Maths teacher? Already have our 189 visa
  4. Thank you all so so much for replying. Really appreciate all your views and stories and hope to reply to each of you in next few days. Have 2 little ones and am pregnant so hardly get a minute to myself. I fear I will never be able to make a decision. We will most certainly be a lot worse off financially in Oz. I know money isn't everything but it sure does make for an easier life. Not that we are loaded or anything but we are comfortable. Suppose my next question to you all would be would you have made the move knowing you would be worse off financially? Like considerably worse off? Wondering if staying in UK and buying a small holiday home in Spain might be a better solution. But I so hate the bitter cold lol Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  5. So did you return to the UK and now wish you hadn't? Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  6. With the exception of missing family and friends, what are your reasons for moving back to the UK? I went out on a reccie in September as we have our visa already and was quite surprised at how underwhelmed I was. I spent a year in Oz 15 years ago and have yearned for it ever since. Then came home feeling rather deflated. Visited QLD, NSW and Adelaide. We don't have any family support whatsoever in UK so I know for a fact I wouldn't miss them if we made the move. Just wondering if anyone of you will give a reason that resonates with me and sums up why I Australia failed to capture my heart this time round. Thanks Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  7. Thanks took a lot but very expensive Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  8. Thanks Buderim was lovely but I thought out of our budget? Ballina is a bit too remote. I'm a shocking worrier, wouldn't want to be too far from a major city for hospitals Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  9. Hi. We checked mostly along the coast and a couple of inland places. Have you any suggestions I could take a look at? Thanks Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  10. Either QLD, NSW or SA. Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  11. Hi. We already have PR. Husband is thinking of doing a Maths PGCE in UK before we make the move. Is this enough to get a job? Do they usually just look for maths teachers or do they want you to be able to teach a second subject? Thanks Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  12. Husband and I and kids are currently in Oz to activate our visa. I was certain that somewhere in SE QLD would appeal to us to settle on as our destination but nowhere has. I feel like nowhere has any soul or substance. We have checked out Sunshine Coast extensively and spent 3 days at south of gold coast. GC was a definite no and Sunshine Coast just seems to lack any soul. We only have a few days left and I'm desperate to find somewhere before we leave for UK otherwise I fear my dream may be over. So question is is there anywhere in NSW that will have a strong community feel close(ish) to the beach? Luckily don't have to worry about work as husband is self employed and can work from anywhere. We would like somewhere that won't cost any more than 550k for a 4 bed. We come from a little village in UK where we can walk to coffee shops, local supermarket, doctors, butchers etc. I'm not sure if this can be replicated in Oz on our budget. oh and should say I don't want to be any more than 2.5 hours from Sydney thank you
  13. Hi all. Any recommendations for an area in Sunshine Coast where I could get a 4 bed house for $450k or less? Has to be a decent area so I understand I may need to go inland a bit. Thanks Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  14. I just didn't want to read and say nothing. I really feel for you. Sending you virtual hugs! Please please tell his folks you need support. They might be more than happy for you guys to stay living with them with baby therefore not wasting money on rent that could go towards sorting out your visa. If you want to chat some more privately or just vent send me a pm. Please take care of yourself and try to de-stress. Starting by telling the in laws, you will feel so much better after that Xoxo Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  15. We've got our 189 so using this trip to activate as we can't go for a year or two. You got any kids? We've two. Interested why Melbourne? Where do you live now? Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  16. Hi there. Yes I'm irish and going on our reccie too in September to Brisbane to check it out and sunshine coast. Always hear people compare Oz and UK but never ireland. I was in Oz 13 years ago backpacking and loved it. Where you headed? Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  17. Hi all. Interested to hear from any ping pong irish. How does Oz match up to life in Ireland? Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  18. Hi thanks so much for your reply. His degree is civil engineering and pgce will be maths. Would he be able to teach another subject? If not do you think he would still be able to secure a job? Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
  19. Hi all. New to this thread. We are in process of getting 189 visa. Y husband has just been accepted on to a secondary maths pgce here in the UK and is wondering if he should do it before we make the move to Oz. We are hoping for QLD. Anyone know if there really are many maths teaching jobs available? I know it's on the csol for QLD but also know that doesn't necessarily mean there are jobs. Thanks all in advance Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk
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