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Everything posted by Sandsmuir

  1. We have an agent. It is the agent that has told us about everything we need to get because my ex is ignoring every contact I have sent to date. I may be overly concerned but we were told from the start that case officers are looking for reasons to reject Visa applications and despite providing evidence of all the attempts made as well as a solicitor notaried statement from me may not be enough as it is a problem "normal" folks wont have and there are plenty other normal folks in line to take the place we might fill. This on top of the couple of medical issues my wife has makes me wonder if I should risk the funds to go ahead! (arrived at the "please pay AUD7k now" phase).
  2. yeh Petals, they want to see the residency order (now expired), timeline of break up (15 yrs ago), a solicitor witnessed statement from me telling my story, evidence of attempts to contact her, a letter indicating that my son is estranged written by him etc.......I feel they just found a big hole for us to fall into so they can reject our visa.
  3. Sandsmuir


    Everything was moving along smoothly when BANG! we get hit with the info that my 16 yr old son from my first marraige who has been estranged from me for the last 6 years has to go for a medical even though he is not on our application nor would he be coming at any stage at least in the next number of years if at all! the mother is ignoring all contact attempts to consent or not to the medical. So now we need to produce a raft of info, half of which we know we will struggle to get in the hope that the case officer believes what we say! Anyone have any words to help or experienced anything like this?
  4. we are all over the place when it comes to deciding where to go! Townsville is up there but Noosa looks the biz too! it will be somewhere different next week I am sure!
  5. I think its all come about as a result of a dam project going belly up so the state is selling the land back for residential or farmers. 400 plus farms were bought but only a few purchased their farms back so the rest is up for sale. seems like a good opportunity even if only for a house site with acreage! Anyone know the area?
  6. Thoughts on the above anyone? Love to hear anything you got on either Pinbarren or Bee Keeping! Get our 2 years under our belt, apply for PR, get that (fingers crossed) then have a look in Mary Valley and see if there is any Govt.land left to buy!
  7. I Guess thats why I am asking the question. Trying to tap into the available knowledge on forums like this! God forbid we end up wandering about like an aimless and ignorant Pom!
  8. we are both pretty flexible in that. I am happy to have a go at anything really but marine if pushed! She will be something conservation/marine biological/scientific/animals!
  9. My wife is about to submit her 489 Visa (she is principle as has a Phd) but is panicked that the large cost of this is going to be wasted as she feels that her 2 medical issues will cause this to be rejected AFTER applied and paid for when she has her medical. The 1st condition is Psoriasis. She is clear just now as a result of the Fumaderm she has access to in the UK. Its not available in OZ. Other threads have alleviated her concerns about that a bit but any more reassurance would be great! The second condition is that she has a pace maker. I should mention she is 46 and had the pace maker fitted at 23. It is just a bog standard type, no defibrilator or anything like that. its not life threatening if she didn't have it! it just regulates her heart rate at rest as it would drop to 30ish bpm making her a nightmare to get out of bed and standing up quickly from rest is not brilliant for her! the battery is changed out every 6-10 years under local aneasthetic. Does anyone have experience of going through a medical with a pace maker? I noticed on another thread that the was an ex-IELTS test marker who offered advice for people to help them pass. Is there someone on these forums that actually does or did these medicals who can shed a more informed light on the likely outcome? Hopeful I know but the thought of the absolute anguish, despair and guilt she would go through knowing that her medical conditions prevented our family from taking the biggest opportunity of our lives is not something I want her to experience at all!
  10. Bobj, you need to stop fishing for those blind kind of fish! strap an LED to the hook and watch them jump on it! if it works we can patent it. Call it sparklure or something like that!
  11. Coming to Queensland early spring 2015 on a 489 Visa. My wife is the principle, me and our 2 daughters.....and dog! We know she needs to work for a year and 2 years living in regional QLD, all that's fine. Its just, every time we look for an area to stay in we find the perfect place...until the next time we look elsewhere for comparison purposes where we usually find somewhere else just as good! We have narrowed it down to between Mackay and Port Douglas!:arghh: scared to death to look inland in case we find somewhere that fits the bill too! Anyhow, help from you lovely people on the ground would be most appreciated! Here is us in a nutshell, I would be really interested to see what you come up with! My good lady, 46, phd in Marine Biology, outdoorsy, animal lover, not really into night life just the odd blow out. Likes Townsville! Me, 47, School of life Professor (self certified), slowing down a little but still pretend to be right into sports and active stuff like that, Food is always good, boats, snorkelling and don't mind a bit of a social life. I like Port Douglas or Kurunda First Born girl, 10..........erm.......internet, dancing (Highland in particular), playing music, singing and Raging mood swings. likes any house with a pool. 2nd Born girl, 8, as above only trying harder to out do big sis! likes any house that has a bigger pool than her big sis likes. We will be coming from a small, remote island off the coast of Scotland (pop 1100) so everything is going to be a shock! We will have a bit of money to maybe get into a small business. I know I am being a bit tongue in cheek but its a defense mechanism for having too many uninformed choices! I really do appreciate any helpful hints tips, advice on anything, areas etc.
  12. Thanks for that! The sweat was on that my little cherubs were going to mean me driving about in a pedal cart for a few years after paying for their education! Prepared to pay it Yes! but happy not to! BONUS!!
  13. Hi guys, moving to regional queensland on a 489. Trying to work out best place that has schools, jobs lifestyle stuff we hope to have but hit a wall in trying to work out if and what we would need to pay for school fees! Some say a 489 is neither a temp visa nor a permanent visa so ???? Some school web sites say there are local fees or international fees but we dont and cant find out which side we are! Anyone in that situation, been there or know about it?
  14. Never thought we would really be in this situation but......maybe, just maybe? EOI done, State sponsorship granted to Queensland, now been invited to apply for 489 visa! :smile: Just unbearably exciting about the prospect for our little family! needless to say, been searching through any info we can find but got a question or 20000 that maybe some of you learned guys might be able to answer. We know that my wife (principle applicant) needs to be employed for at least 1 year to then apply for PR. Would completing a course, she wants to be a Vet nurse, count toward that employment requirement?
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