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Ahmed Khan

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  1. [TABLE] [TR] [TD]PCC[/TD] [TD=align: center]24-Nov-2014[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Medicals[/TD] [TD=align: center]26-Nov-2014[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  2. I am calling from India, I called at this no +61-73176700 I have done my medicals on 3-Dec, my first entry date is 8-Jun. Only 6 months. I heard people get 1 year for first entry date.
  3. Applied 11-Nov, CO allocated - 19 Jan, CO requested Form 815, Submitted Form 815 - 19 Jan, Called Immi for follow up 21-Jan, Grant in 5mins. Thank you all for the support and help. Best of luck.
  4. Congrats Scott. I am trying to setup gmail sms notification. Can you please send me from which email address you got the email and what was the subject. Anyone else who got CO allocation or GRANT can also help me with this. Thanks, Ahmed Khan
  5. Hi Friends, I have applied on 11-Nov still waiting for CO allocation. I have a question for people who got CO allocation or GRANT. I believe CO allocation happens only during AUS time 8AM to 4PM. Please confirm if I am correct. Please check if you have received CO allocation during the same time.
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