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Everything posted by justinliu

  1. The situation becomes worse especially for IT.
  2. I also come to Sydney for two months and never see what the recruitment company looks like. And I am sometimes bothered by the agency. To find a job in Australia is totally different from in my country.In China, it is easy for me to find a job with high salary. I don't know how to continue this bullshit life. If there are few jobs for new immigrants for IT career, the Australia immigrant government should limit this career. Lots of IT people could not find job.I waste my money every minute without any income. I also think of working as a labor worker such as cleaner, driver. However, I am unwilling to do this. If I have done this, I prefer to return to my country and continue my IT career. To be or not to be, it is a question. to make a living or lost your profession with so many experience, which path should you prefer to choose?:cry:
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