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Posts posted by Guest241083

  1. ............just a different point of view.....

    ............havving both rented.......and worked in the rental market

    ............I must say 90% of the landlords I dealt with have been good in the repairs

    ............it's a business,or investment....

    ............and keeping the rental property up to scratch helps attract a good tenant ime...

    .............money spent on the property is tax deductible......

    .............most landlords often have their often used tradesmen....

    .............so sometimes there is a wait ,as the tradespeople do have other work....

    .............but I have never come across any one waiting weeks for major repairs....

    .............perhaps minor ones as agreed there are some landlords who don't / won't spend money on minor problems..

    ..............but most adhere to the agreement in the tenants handbook.....

    ...............that signed agreement is there to protect both the tenant and the landlord....

    ................good and bad on both sides ime.....

    .................my only advice to tenants is know your rights......and the steps you need to take if they are challenged....

  2. ............always hard when you've settled in one place and collected.....

    ............I've inherited lots of stuff from family who have downsized or died...

    .............I pass a lot of stuff on as well....

    .............charity's are pleased with good clean items.....

    .............and charity's abroad don't mind items with names on...!

    ..............one of the good things of living in small places and continually moving when I was younger...

    ..............meant few possessions......

    ..............the armed forces were good to.......used to be allocated so many MFO boxes...

    ...............what didn't fit you had to pay for yourself.......meant a good clean out....

    ................think LKC has a good idea.........clear out by type.....

    ..................easy to become distracted if doing rooms ime.....

  3. ..................You should request all repairs in writing, detail the complaint and its impact,

    .................give the landlord a deadline and keep a copy of your letter.

    ..................if you get no joy.......issue a notice to remedy breach......( check which form online)

    ...............which gives your landlord 7 days to remedy the fault..

    ..................there are further steps one which you get the repairs/replacement and Bill the landlord....

    ................though beware if over the cost of 4 weeks rent this can be disputed.....

    ...................also your ombudsman is a good source of information if your agent isn't helpful....

    ...................good luck..


  4. Hi all:)


    I moved to Australia 10 years ago and it was the biggest mistake of my life, as I married an Australian man who pursued me online. Foolishly and regrettably I messed up and it has affected my family. I have been in loss and grief for 10 years and had to live a lie. I am 57 young at heart and really miss the English way of life. I have no skills and no where to live in UK. How would I make it if I went back. I have anxiety and fear seems to stop me from doing anything. I analyse until I paralyse!



    .........sorry to hear this.....

    .........I have a friend who found herself in similar conditions 4 years ago.....

    ..........so she started volenteeri g at an aged care home

    ...........after a year getting experience she returned staying on a friends sofa in return for doing the housework and cooking...

    ............then got a job as a live in carer.......

    .............4 years on she has her own rented flat......has achieved some qualifications

    ..............and is enjoying life again......

    ...............I think sometimes we have to just make a decision to do something......and do it.....

    .................the best of luck to you....X

  5. ..........when we emigrated 20+ years ago my OH went back to the uk every other year

    ..........and his parents came every year over Christmas for 3 months.....

    .........but he never........and still doesn't want to return to live.....

    ...........my middle son who only ever lived in the uk for 2 years 3to 4 years old....

    ...........wants to live in the uk and has been back several times.....

    ..............visiting lots of different places........something he wants to achieve by 30!

    .............he has no particular ties to the place......grandparents long gone....

    ...............but loves it.....

    ..............I know many return for family........but I think you have to feel.....a homeness....

    .............sometimes I envy those with a true feeling of home.....

    ...............but it must be hard when your in a place you don't have those feeling for.....

  6. ..........just a heads up for when your ready to rent....

    ..........have your paperwork ready...!

    ..........some ask for 100 point ID now....

    .........get photo copies

    ..........proof of income or savings.....

    ..........usually the bond is 4 weeks rent plus two weeks in advance.....

    ...........do ask about car parking....

    ..........as often 1 allocated garage/carport /space is all there is in high density areas

    ..........and some have found having to park a second vehicle streets away

  7. .........in today's climate......the words if it isn't broke apply..!

    .........you would have to research if what you have now...

    .........is obtainable in Australia....

    ..........where you could work......does that give you affordable housing...

    ..........the aminities you now have....

    ..........what sort of lifestyle do you have/want....

    ..........if you have to work in the cities......housing can be expensive...

    ..........near a beach .......would you need to commute....

    ...........would you still earn the amount of money you do now..?

    ............best to do some through research.......

    ............and weigh up if moving gives you all you need.....good luck...

  8. ..........a beautiful place.........though grown with more aminities since I first went there....

    ..........but I often still sit here.....and am grateful for such beauty....

    ..........I hope you love it as much as I do,....good luck..X



  9. ............re the grandparents.....!

    ............to the children wether they give cheap or expensive....

    .............they will love their grandparents....

    .............wether we get on or not.....

    .............the children see them through different eyes.....

    .............let the children enjoy their gifts....

    ..............be children .....

    ..............too soon we see the faults in others.....

    ..............one of the wonders of childhood......is they don't.....

  10. ...........lol cal...!

    ...........what an image......

    ...........I mainly enjoyed the meet.....

    ...........had a little personal stress going on......

    ............but I enjoyed meeting those who I connected with on here.....

    ............there is always someone in a large group you fail to connect with I suppose.....

    .............but even then.......they often contribute something to other conversations......!

  11. ..........but surely the art of conversation....

    .........is to not only listen to others...but get your interests and points across....

    ..........in a way that others can share and add to your views.....

    ..........I too come from a diverse background.....

    ..........from great aunt prudence in her country pile....

    ..........to Lilly in her eclectic trailer home.....

    ...........with friends covering many social and cultural groups...

    ...........and would say I am comfortable....able to contribute.....and enjoy the full scale of situations

    ............from one to the other

    ............conversation is only as good as the content you contribute ime....

    .............there is usually something to share of interest.....

  12. Hey you can talk double Dutch if you want we will still love you, but please don't talk Scottish I can't tell a word SS says lol.



    ..........lol........that would cause some confusion!

    ..........loved Stacey's accent.....and I kept thinking

    ...........of that iron bru advert from years ago

    ...........and my mother keep asking....what did they say lol.

    ............don't tell her!

    ............a lovely girl was a privalage to meet her

  13. Hi everyone,


    My husband and I have been in Melbourne for 9 years, both work full time and rent close to the City. Sadly & strangely even after all this time we still don't feel 'at home' and struggle to find much we relish here. This is not through lack of trying. We go out a fair bit as we are childless, visit any exhibitions that come to town and take trips out into the countryside/down the beach but something is lacking. I can only describe it as an underlying emptiness or a slightly panicky feeling of somehow wasting my life being in the wrong place and not fitting in.


    To be honest I would have gone back after a year but we had dogs (only one elderly boy of 16 left now) and we didn't want to put them through another long haul flight as they seemed to find the trip over and quarantine etc quite traumatic. Also, we thought we should give it a good go after making such a big and expensive move.


    It's been a decade of ups and downs with job & financial issues and a couple of serious health scares in the mix (something that brought home life is short & should we really be living it in a place we don't like). Plus we've only been able to make it back to visit family and old friends twice which hasn't helped.


    Anyway we are looking at heading home to UK in about 18 months and I am totally overjoyed at the thought. However, at the same time being a natural born worrier I am anxious about leaving well paid, secure jobs here. Looking online it seems I will probably earn at least a third less than I do now. We are not Spring chickens either being in our forties (althougb we are quite well preserved/pickled :laugh:) so am a bit concerned this might work against us. If i was a decade younger I wouldn't think twice.


    I guess I'm looking for some validation. Are we doing the right thing taking the plunge and heading back to where we feel we belong but where we have no financial guarantees, after all nothing ventured nothing gained. Or at our age should we be 'sensible' and stay slightly unhappy but financially secure for the unforseeable future??


    Thanks for any input!




    ..............there are lots of things in life that either do or don't work out.....

    ..............but if you don't try you'll never know......

    ...............if you feel you will be happier returning......I would say do it....

    ................sometimes it's better to just have less and be content....

    .................to feel secure in belonging......an important part of happiness....

    ..................I've moved continually...........some worked some didn't.....

    .....................but I'm not left wondering......

    ......................and how old is too old...?

    .......................my uncle returned in his 80's....

    ........................didn't work out so he came back.....

    .........................but he said he wanted to find out for himself.....

    ..........................good luck ...Xxx

  14. ..........doesn't upset me evets.....so don't worry....

    ..........I've been on here since 2007

    ..........a few find my posting style difficult.....

    ..........some find those who can't spell or use grammar correctly.....difficult....

    ...........we either persevere.....or ignore the posts....

    ............thankyou for your kind words....

    ............but please would @calNgary delete the posts referring to this....

    ...........done and dusted.....

  15. No its not really. Some nationalities appear to have more people displaying it. It comes from within, environment, combined with culture but doesn't necessary need to be the domain of any particular age or even class.




    ................not from within IMO....

    ................nurture rather than nature......


    ................and best if we just agree to disagree flag....

    .................taking the thread off topic to continue....

  16. If you don't know you simply don't have it. Nothing or very little to do with the above.

    .........taste is but a aesthetic judgement based on a subjective feeling

    .........it is subject to class,culture,age,etc

    ..........taste is purely subjectivism.....

  17. Well not at all. Style equates taste and taste is not subjective. You either have it or you don't.



    ..........fiddle sticks..!

    ..........I think I have taste.......many would not agree....

    ...........and taste in what..?

    ...........clothes ,furnishing,leisure pursuits....?

    ............what do you base your bench mark on...!

    .............monetary value....?

    ..............historical elegance...?

    ...............the latest celebrity endorsement.....

    ................both so subjective to the situation we find ourselves in....IMO of course

  18. ..............there are pockets of these wealthy.......everywhere...

    .............estates and areas given over to those who like to live with displays of their wealth...

    ..............but little community sprit.....

    ..............rows of electric garage doors where the latest car disappears in the evenings....

    ..............and nobody seen on the streets till the opening of the door the next morning....

    ...............I too live semi rural......like cal

    ................friendlier ( though I do have a neighbour from hell)

    ................and more relaxed......who knows what the other people in the st have...?

    .................conversation when we meet at the local shop or school more about life in general....

    ..................some huge homes with all mod cons side by side with live in sheds...

    ...................the small community held together by mutual respect and friendliness

    ....................not by who has the newest ,biggest,one with most bells on lol...


    ..............but on the other hand why should those who do have more feel they have to hide it...

    ..............time and hard work have given them a lifestyle to be proud of....

    ...............they can now afford a few of the mod cons.....a more reliable car...

    ................more holidays......


    ................the haves.......or have nots.....

    ................all comes down to individual attitudes

    .................it's not what you have or havnt got materialisticly......

    .................it's how you interact with others ....regardless of where you are in life....

  19. ..........I suppose online is the now...!

    ..........and as those who don't are continually in the minority.....

    ..........it will become the only way.....

    ..........I lament the old ways......when you did wander round the shops....

    ..........choosing and comparing......

    ...........we have become an impatient world.....

    ...........with less time and the need to update continually.......

    ............I don't know as Amazon will improve the retail we have......

    ............it will only force more to close.....as they can't compete.....

    ............but as my sons have told me.......I ll have to keep up....

    ............or be left behind.....




    ...........No one buys CD's anymore really do they? .............I do....:embarrassed:

  20. ..........have not used Amazon......

    ...........not an online shopper TBH.....though not to say the rest of the family isn't.....

    ...........to me it's a sad sign of the times.......

    ...........I would rather shop local......yes sometimes it's dearer....

    ...........but I buy less......not a bad thing IMO.....

    ...........I support recycling,up cycling..........passing and receiving things no longer needed.....

    ............we are slowly givving authority to the large companies....

    .............filling the world with rubbish,discarded in tips and landfill.....

    ..............squeezing out the small traders and producers.......

    ..............and then bemoan the fact of less choice and higher prices.....

    ..............it may be competitive while there is still a little competition.....

    ..............but once that is squeezed out........?

  21. ..........and easy to apply when your healthy....!

    ...........but sometimes illness,medication.......has an impact....

    ...........and you need that dietary industry to help......

    ...........yes some are overweight through all the reasons of over eating,wrong food.....not enough exercise....

    ..........but some unfortunately have a consequence from something that is no fault of their own....

    .............we often forget this when seeing someone overweight....

    ...............not all sit in front of the tv eating take aways..!

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