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Everything posted by dkeith109

  1. Thanks Alan. I'd be too young though. Cheers
  2. I know, I know... we've argued about visa's, especially after he f*cked up having a plate inserted into his hand. He's a tradie now and cant do the test *sigh*
  3. Hi everyone Just joined and thought I'd say hi. Myself and my partner (Simon) are applying for a 189 Skilled - Independent Visa and are just back from a 3 week recce to Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney (hence why I'm typing this message at 4am UK time - still on Oz time!). Absolutely loved Melbourne and Sydney, and think the latter just swings it for us due to the better weather and closer proximity to beaches. Both had great public transport systems (that Melbourne tram system/MyKi is VERY impressive for commuters) but the beaches are a big factor for us, so Sydney is just edging it at the moment. Still got loads of research to do though into job prospects and property prices etc, but the trip was massively useful in terms of getting a feel for each city and general info. My other half is a bit younger, so although both our professions are eligible for a 187 visa (I'm an Accountant, he's an Electrician), we're applying under his job to get the extra 'age' points he earns. We've completed 2 of the 3 stages of his skills assessment. His process is a much more long and drawn out process than mine would have been (and MUCH more expensive!), requiring lots of paperwork and a manual skills test, which unfortunately has been delayed as he broke his hand mountain biking a couple of weeks before our trip and needed a metal plate inserted to fix it. So, a little bit frustrated at the moment as we just want to get on with things (especially having visited now and confirmed it's absolutely what we want to do). Hopefully he'll be able to complete his skills assessment in the next month or two and we can finally apply for the visa. Anyway, that's us. Hoping to learn loads from you guys about every little detail about applying and moving (all going well). Look forward to your support and advice in the months ahead :smile: Thanks guys David
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