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  1. We are taking our car. I think it depends on the car you currently have. We have a two year old Audi and it's def worth it when I look at how much we'd get if we sold it in the UK, and what it would be worth in Oz. I have allowed for a healthy amount in my budget for on road costs in Oz...from memory a few thousand AUD. Look at Karman Shipping - they have good estimates. We have gone with Clark & Rose and its £7k including marine insueance for household goods and a 40' high cube. I think I will be paying insurance for the car on top of that...not got to that bit yet.
  2. i absolutely agree with this! I'm Australian and my husband is British. We live in the UK and we're moving back to Australia because I think we'll be happier with family around (we don't see my husband's family very often). My husband would move anywhere I wanted to live - maybe family is more important to a woman!? Anyway, life (for us) is cheaper in the UK than it will be in Australia (much cheaper)...so maybe a move won't be the financial disaster you're expecting.
  3. But can you buy a plug at Bunnings and do it yourself? Is it 'allowed'?
  4. Thanks, good info. How big is your car, or rather what car do you have? Did you look at the price of a smaller container and car shipped separately? £8k is more than I thought shipping would be, but maybe a 20' container would do us without the car. I only want to ship the car in the container if it's a decent saving.
  5. thats good to know about the planters. I have a couple of large urns which I thought I would have to sell. Oh, except mine are terracotta so more porous than ceramic.
  6. I just read threads about making sure outdoor things are cleaned or you could get stuck with a cleaning bill when your shipment gets to Australia. That made me think about our garden tools. I had been going to take them all, including the mower and whipper snipper. Is that a ridiculous idea? Should I be getting rid of them as they will be hard to get really clean.
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