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Everything posted by Coolbreeze

  1. I think for every person (in teaching) that has a great deal of difficulty finding a job, there seems to be another that has almost seamlessly found work. I believe these people to be the ones willing to move interstate - work in country, metropolitan or aboriginal schools - and accept lower positions than what they had in the UK/International School. I do not have kids and have absolutely no worries about working in any educational establishment or any workplace to just gain an income. I would happily work in a shop / bar / restaurant /agricultural work etc. On this bases, I have absolutely no concerns about teaching jobs being so extremely difficult to come by as all good things come to those who wait and are willing to stretch their job search to anything that pays. I have heard shockers of people writing over 100 job applications and not getting any interviews. I can say now, that is either extremely, extremely bad luck - or, more likely, a very poor CV/Covering letter that has not been personalised for the school in which they were applying for. Also, many people are so restricted by which state thy want to work in, they cut out another few hundred schools. But, I agree with you - be prepared to have to work at it, be patient, be willing to work anywhere. ensure you can support yourself financially in case of no employment, but NEVER be scared off emigrating and trying to makes your dreams come true. I have seen some extremely negative comments on forums on the impossible nature of a UK teacher gaining employment- that's BS. Nothing is impossible if you set your mind to it, never give up and work work work for it. This is what we teach our kids and we should start taking our own advice I think. I am saddened by how many teachers give up their dream because of other people's experiences....make your own experiences I say.
  2. My Mum's family are in Adelaide already so we have arranged to stay with an Auntie until we get some sort of income. We stayed in Adelaide last summer for 4 weeks to look around at suburbs etc to see if it was financially viable (which it seemed to be). It is myself and partner going over. She is also a teacher so we are in a bit of competition for jobs. We will be residing in Golden Grove area to start with. I am hoping with 2 years international school work experience and being Deputy Head for 18 months I can hopefully find 'something' within the private schools there. I am really nervous about finding a job as many people on this forum love to shout out how 'difficult' it is to find teaching jobs in Australia. Fingers crossed though. I think we will need to be as pro-active as possible out there and approach the private schools. Hopefully we can all make a successful life out there
  3. Hi Kooky, You are indeed correct. I was asking in anticipation for when we arrive. I have signed up for this mandatory course (RAN Course) for 11th July and from there I can actually apply to the TRB for registration. However, before all of this, we need to get our certificates etc certified and sent to TRB so they can send us letter as to whether our qualifications are indeed equivalent to the Oz quals. This letter and the RAN attendance certificate is what you need for registration Hoop, Hurdle, Hoop, Hurdle You planning on being in Adelaide?? When are you moving over? We are arriving on 7th July...
  4. Hi all, I have been spending many hours on the internet on the SA DECD site as well as many forums, site etc, trying to find out the answer to a question I have. So, I upload my resume to DECD and opt in to the type of jobs I want?? (Permanent, Temporary, relief etc). Do I have put if preference for subjects I 'think' I can teach....or what I am 'Trained' to teach or what i have 'experience; in teaching???? I have a degree in History, but PGCE in ICT and have taught Business Studies for 3 years too (never taught history). Okay, what happens next? DO they find me a job? I'm placed there? Interview? provide a sample teaching lesson? I can't believe I would be offered a full time permanent contract with as little as an interview?? I probably seem like a right prat, but there is no step by step guide on how this works. The private schools seem to work in exactly the same way as UK - Advertise / I apply with Resume and covering letter/ Interview/ Appointment. Please if someone can clarify how employment in the state education sector works, I would be very grateful Thanks
  5. Seeing as we are on the topic of registering with individual state's teaching boards - any chance someone can help me with the SA TRB? I wanted to get ahead and register before I arrive in Oz. However, it would appear that I would need to attend mandatory, one day child protection course. This course, it would seem, needs to be attended by registered institution, in Oz. Does this mean I have no choice but to wait? OR As most states have a 'mutual agreement' (as stated on SA, ACT,NT,QLD TRB sites) on transferring teaching licenses - could I say, register in QLD, but then just transfer the license over? Or, would this still require the one day mandatory child protection training. Any knowledge welcome please...Thanks in advance
  6. Great news, fingers crossed for an invite in the next round. Keep us posted....
  7. Go ahead and apply to AITSL - you have UK degree and PGCE - they will never need to see your IELTS score. Appy for the assessment and then arrange your re-sit for IELTS. This is needed for DIAC
  8. My degree is in History and PGCE in ICT. AITSL just want to know if you have 4 years worth of higher education with at least X amount days worked, in schools, under supervision. A BA Hons and PGCE will meet this criteria
  9. Quick question, Teacher Ben - what d you mean writing it 'australian' style?
  10. Currently Head of Business and ICT and Deputy Head of Senior in International School in Thaland 5 Years experience with the 6th year being in Oz (I hope) BA Hons degree is actually in History I have my eye on SMART teachers and HAYS as well as http://www.teachers.on.net/ Looking to register with the SA TRB in the next month after medicals and PCC's are uploaded on immi. The thing I am most nervous about is that ICT has only just been introduced as a national curriculum subject and in SA, many schools are not interested in 'specialists'. Business Studies again, seems rather limited and only available to teach to grades 11/12. I think I will have to look at convincing Aussie schools I can also teach English/Maths. I am not sure just having a History degree will enable me to 'teach' History. 'dmjg' - great advice on the CV and covering letter!
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