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Posts posted by GiveAGirlShoes

  1. How about the Times (I think) Uni of the year 2013... Huddersfield.


    Great student support and facilities and Patrick Stewart is our chancellor :) xx


    I study Podiatry there and we study a module with nurses, midwives, physios; ODPs and of course OTs xxx

  2. How long have you had the car?


    If it's over 50% through its finance period you can hand it back to the finance company. There's a clause in (I believe all) car finance loans that makes this possible. My OH has done it once, nearly twice!


    Of course the finance people do their own "checks" and charge for dents and scratches, and there's paperwork and an admin fee but could be worth a look????


    Grrrrr just realised which direction you're traveling in so apologies if this isn't so in Aus xx

  3. How long have you had the car?


    If it's over 50% through its finance period you can hand it back to the finance company. There's a clause in (I believe all) car finance loans that makes this possible. My OH has done it once, nearly twice!


    Of course the finance people do their own "checks" and charge for dents and scratches, and there's paperwork and an admin fee but could be worth a look????

  4. As a type 1 I found the information I was given at first was poor but it has improved somewhat with the likes of DAFNE (dose adjustment for normal eating). This gives you the tools you need to make an informed decision, but for type 2 such useful tools do not seem to exist. It seems ludicrous to me give the cost of type 2 diabetes on health care services; prevention should be the focus of this money to negate the need to spend money on cure!

  5. Don't worry, you'll be fine, unless it's related to a long term condition or illness, it won't affect your medical! Australia are just looking for conditions that will be a drain on resources. A day case admission 3 years ago, is nothing to worry about! So stay calm, last thing you need is to be anxious about it, and raise your BP!!

    Good luck.




    Oh deary me, this has just reminded me that I've had numerous admissions to hospital; definitely 3, maybe 4 for a weeks stay plus a one or two overnights :'(

    All but 2 related to a chronic condition and all but 1 I have no idea of the dates.


    I repeat... oh deary me :'(


    In all honestly it does sound like you'll be fine xx

  6. Further to last post


    "*if a significant health condition is identified following your health examination, an opinion will not be made as to whether you meet the health requirement until after you have lodged a visa application

    *you will not be advised of your results until after you have lodged a visa application"


    Seen on this page


  7. I looked into this for future reference and found that although you can do your medical upfront once your EOI has been a submitted you WILL NOT get the results and you will have to apply for the visa to find out!

    I was thinking the exact same thing (I'm a type 1 diabetic and OH is 'portly' with family history of type 2 diabetes) as I thought it better to waste money on a failed medical than a failed visa but alas they don't tell you if you've passed or failed.


    Can't remember the exact wording but I found it by clicking on a few links from skill select


    Maybe someone with experience will be asking to correct me x

  8. Hi I am living in the uk and want to join my son in Australia, anyone got any idea how much a parent visa costs, how long it takes and will I get accepted with a health condition needing immune suppressive drugs


    There's a sticky for parent visas at the very top of migration issues.

    Never looked at it myself but may be a good starting point for you if you've not already seen it?

  9. Hi. The poster states her husband is diet-controlled diabetic. So is probably not on tablets. He may or may not record his blood sugar level (they are called "BSL" in Aus). There is a pharmacy subsidy programme that cheapens lancets and test strips for you. There isn't a set standard of care monitoring regimen in Aus, as in your GP doesn't urge you to come for your hba1c blood tests, podiatry or retinopathy screening. So your husband should expect to be proactive in these areas.

    Bertie Bstandardised


    Would you have to see an endo for HbA1c or could this be arranged with a blood test by a GP?


    Podiatrists shouldn't be too hard to come by; you'll definitely want to research retinopathy screenings though I would think!

  10. I have type 1 diabetes and as much as my oh seems to understand I still find it difficult to get the point across sometimes.

    If I pass out because of low blood sugars I feel like he's disappointed in me, whereas in reality I've just burned out and probably made a very minor maths error along the way.


    I read this earlier and put it to one side in my brain, I've now decided I do like it :)


    I bet I won't think to use it until I have a disabling hypo at which point my translation of this story will be hilarious, something like a tasmanian devil in my kitchen lol

  11. If you did apply for PR would a bridging visa come into effect if your 457 did expire?

    Please note that was a question not a statement of fact, I'm sure someone more knowledgeable could shed some light though?


    Hopefully it won't come to that, it might be that your manager thinks that scaring you may teach you a lesson, which I'm sure you learned as soon as you realised your mistake.

    It sounds like you went through all the right channels, I hope it all works out for you xxx

  12. Hey, what was your other username? I'd love to visit that part of Australia just to say I've been but I dont think I could live there


    I'm not sure but will have had either shelley or shellsbells in it somewhere. I had to re register as I completely forgot :'(

  13. I checked and she went to somewhere called paraburdoo so I got it wrong but if you do a search there's quite a few threads on your place. If you have any problems let one of the mods or me know and we can help :)


    Not sure if I've ever posted about Para (i used to have a different name on here) but I worked there. If this place is anything like paraburdoo I personally would struggle to live there past a couple of months. Many of the locals flew out regularly to Perth for a break lol

  14. Also i believe your own circumstances can play an important part in such a decision.

    For instance I am a type 1 diabetic, and think I would be advised to use an agent.

    I 'probably' wont, but I can understand why it might be advised.


    I think with a straight forward enough case going alone is fine as it has worked for many, but I suppose you're idea of a straight forward case and an agents idea may be very different due to their knowledge and experience?


    I'm sure you'll get some real examples of success and pitfalls soon xx

  15. Unless you are on a temporary visa or have an intention or consideration to move back to the UK and the same house I don't really understand the benefits of keeping a property on the other side of the planet to where you are living. Would you live in the UK and buy a property in Oz to let out? It is the same thing really.


    Besides all the tax complications there is property maintenance to worry about and hoping for reliable tenants. Your agent would know that you are a long way away so how conscientious will he be too. Moving your life and family to Australia presents enough issues to deal with. Why add to it?


    I don't disagree... but...


    The house has been in the family for over 40yrs, we'd like to keep it that way but no one will be in a position to buy for a good while (a bit too young!).


    I guess once we're out there it'll be a case of what house? but until that time comes it is what it is.


    I completely understand where you're coming from though, my OH lost his dad a couple of years ago so its more of a sentimental thing on his part, and for him letting go may be a bit more of a rollercoaster ride than it will be for me x


    Emotions will be considered, along with logic :rolleyes:

  16. If the money stays in the uk does all this apply just the same? ie you receive monthly rent payment in the uk which covers your mortgage and fees so you break even?

    I suppose it does as its still income and it would technically be a persons decision to pay the mortgage with it, but I just wanted to check as I've been keeping tabs on this thread, albeit I will most likely be renting with a mortgage :rolleyes:

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