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Posts posted by Jazzcrave

  1. Congratulation ..When is my date, actually my nom Lodge in 12.DEC. But the Visa log in 18.Feb . Why too late...............

    when is my date. just wait wait wait . my MA told me it should count from the VISA log in instead the Nom , But over 6 month already .

    hope next week


    Nomination has nothing to do with visa. Visa approves only after the nomination approval. Chase up ur boss to call immi

  2. I think they are working on sat also .......but i heard tomarrow is election so may be they will not wok tomarrow ...in the begnning i was was wating for three months ....then i thought may be i will get in six months and now 9 months allready gone .....anyone know the maximum time taken by immi for approval .......i know june applicants are also waiting but i heard after july immi always approved delayed files ........Anyone knows ........MAXIMUM TIME FOR APPROVAL


    Hey buddy just hang tight. This is your month.you will get it i know its easy to say but i cant be anything but positive.

  3. I can see my status has changed on immi account from "application received" to "received". Has it happened to all of the applicants or there is nothing to do with this change?



    Many people had the same. From what i understand is either files are sent to outsourced case officers and or it has been received by a case officer to process the files.

  4. In my opinion the whistle-blower did it intentionally if he knew this from years why was he quiet.


    If he knew a girl was being raped why didn't he reported to police. Hiding a crime after realising it is happening is also considered a crime.


    It is mainly a public relations stunt to grab attention to obtain benifits from a political point.

  5. nomination is basically related to the business who going to sponsor yu...immi never check documents for a applicant in nomination,

    @Dev786 I am afraid that's not the case immi can check in cases when you transitioning from 457 they can ask employer for your payg or notice of assessment or super details.

  6. Nah mate havent heard anything yet. Immi visited my workplace couple of weeks ago. They were after another applicant who applied 186 in october. My boss was unable to provide them all the info asked at that moment. Coz most of the docs are with accountant.


    Not good mate. What docs did immi asked from your employer.


  7. Just a question guys whoever u submitted nomination by urself or u have seen all the doc papers anyone can tell me who much is sale and how much is wages expeses in the BAS? I just saw the bas of my company and if shows half of money they spend is on wages


    nom and visa 7 sept

    never contacted by CO


    Hi @aussiepr bas never gives a clear picture it mainly shows the company is operational. Now even if the company is paying all the money in wages it shouldn't matter at the end the of the the company is able to pay employees . That's what matters the most.

    Businesses take time to grow and employers see profits coming in after few years as well. So even if the company is in loss but sales are good and the firm is paying it's wages to the employees it's all good.

  8. Bro you can see only your documnents ....bcz emplyer docum are in nomination file nd we canot see nom docum


    Mirza is correct. Now for your 186 you should have

    Any licence required to carry out your work

    Education required (AQF)

    Overseas education

    Police checks Australia nd every country visited.

    If married marriage certificate

    Health checks

    Passport or birth certificate

    Travel doc !ie passport again.

    For 80

    Form 1221

    These are the ones on top my head.

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