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Everything posted by Sophiavee

  1. Hi. 115 also approved. Application date was june 2010. Queue date april 2011. It is true. Incedibly long wait. Im even settled in Australia now and it still hasnt sunk in. Best of luck to everyone .
  2. My apologies CR7 . The 116 is a carer visa. I dont know about that . Mine is 115 which is last remaining. I hope my info does help someone for this category. Thanks
  3. Hi CR7 My queue date is 29.4.2011 and im still waiting. Offshore application done in 2010. Was released from queue in 2012 n then nothing since then. Ive waited and m still waiting mainly because im too far down the line to do anything else. But if i was a new applicant id really think about other visas before this one. This one is lengthy. You have no idea whats happening and is subject to changes whenever. Its a life on hold for too long but thats a personal choice i suppose. Just letting you know what the facts are.
  4. for real ? wow. have they asked you for meds pcc etc ?
  5. yeah he is but for personal reasons I didn't want to venture down that route. not to mention all the paperwork and meds to do again. I guess I keep hoping its closer to the end. on this application.
  6. I'm sorry but this is the hardest visa subclass and we will have to be emotionally strong to get through this. we all have sacrificed to this point. I'm 35 and hold two degrees and an mba from australia. my boyfriend and I have been apart for two years and counting now and thinknig of breaking up because its too hard. this is not an easy catergory.
  7. date applied : offshore 31. august 2010 queue date : april 2011. citizen sponsored. hi just an update. I asked my case officer on progress update amd she has stated she doesn't know if my application will be finalised this year or not since my queue date hasn't been reached yet. this was yesterday. cheers.
  8. but I do think the ones who were released need to be finalised soon. otherwise theywouldnt have been released but kept in queue and immigration officers ' effort saved. well lets see what happens this year.
  9. no worries. I know the feeling. well here is hope if you are citizen sponsored and not sponsored by illegal maritime arrivals at least, although I feel for them. the lady at immigration also said they do some sort of a country parity sorting. meaning they distribute the grants awarded globally somehow. so they have certain numbers allocated for UK , CHINA , South Pacific etc. so if you applied from a smaller country for example , of course they'd be less applications and you'd get sorted faster. but again , all verbal so its neither here nor there.
  10. yeah no. I asked prior to the release of migration numbers in may. I think she meant she was waiting the release of places. but then again its internal , I don't know what she may have meant.
  11. I asled her whether she saw my case being finalized but she said she would let me know at a later date by which I assume after she knows how many places are allocated and which applications are to be released. I don't know. I think all factors count such as when you lodged as well. when did you apply ? I don't think the officers themselves know who. and how many will be finalized. MRT remits from previous years have to be granted as well and rejected applications. id think there are too many external factors affecting the process.
  12. hi Lazybones not at all. I think my story is on page 35 ? or thereabouts. application offshore August 2010. queue date April 2011. one of the lot that was told last year that my application has been released for finalisation. I guess since its offshore the person handling my case is not technically my case officer but she has done all the relevant processing on it and prepared it for finalisation.
  13. I asked my case officer and she said shes waiting on canberra. I feel for all of us since we're in the same boat. maybe a bit more empathy for offshore applicants for obvious reasons. last year I was also told verbally that asylum seeker processing was a priority. that put a little more perspective on things. there's always someone else worse off.
  14. offshore. (. I asked an immigration agent Grant William and he said he didn't think I'd have to redo. Am hoping he's right.
  15. Have you heard anything lazybones? they aren't going to make me redo my meds and checks a third time are they? They expire in jan
  16. Yeah you see, I wasn't asked for the assurance
  17. im a bit confused. there seems to be no pattern of regularity in the processing. What's your queue date again ?
  18. Y Thats what I was told . Lets see progress as it happens. Queue date April 2011
  19. Sorry, did you say the official queue date is released?
  20. i don't know about Hk Instam but the assurance was the last step I thought. Don't lose hope , we are all pitching in the dark. We wouldn't know what internal DIAC is doing
  21. hi Instam i was told in June that it would be finalised in a subsequent year so lets see what happens now.
  22. i think the 16 years is for applications submitted now not those in final stages. I doubt DIAC would appreciate the backlogs accumulated if that's the case
  23. I also understood the bond to be the last step.
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