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Posts posted by juliew1499

  1. So there's a number of us lodged on 23 rd June 2014, who is going to hear from a CO first?

    If IMMI keep processing one day a week then we all have about 2/3 weeks before we hear. Just about the time our daughter is going on holiday, so that is going to delay AOS. anyone know if you can lodge an AOS in a different state from where you live?


  2. Hi Julie. my agent has been asking for medical HAP for ages but still no replies. I assume they will not give us until we have a case officer. Btw, just want to ask you is it fast and easy to make an appointment to do medical in Australia? we just want to finalise those as soon as possible.

    Cheers. Tien

    Hi Tien

    Yes it,s easy, we had ours at Bupa Docklands Melbourne. appointments fixed up very quickly within a few days, took about 1and half hour, very efficient. The delaying process will be the AOS.


  3. Fantastic news for you Amanda and all those in the queue, this site has been so quiet with nothing happening, at last we have some movement, not long now for you Julie. We sadly still have a long wait :( but hope the worst of the backlog had been worked through and it improves from now on.


    Yes we've all been going slightly bonkers, paranoid and more.....it's so great to know that Amanda has a CO we are all getting hopeful now. come on IMMI please change the date tomorrow to 19th!!!


  4. Thanks Julie, and everyone else too :-) Now, here's the issue (sigh) - my son has today phoned the number provided for Centerlink/Assurance of Support and has been told (during his 1 hour 20 min phone call from his mobile) that Centerlink does not deal with Assurance of Support assessments!!!???? You can imagine that this is now stressing us out - I have e-mailed immi to ask for any other number/department etc but really not sure what to do about this - we try to get it up and running so fast. I'll update once we know more/get through to someone else perhaps.

    You are nearly there.... :-)


    Hi Amanda

    Having had some experience of Centre Link in Victoria it really depends on who you speak to. first time I visited to arrange temporary Medicare I was told I couldn't do it and not to bother.vTwo weeks later and a largish bill for medical care I visited again and was seen within 5 mins, given a temp card and repaid within 24hrs. It may be that your son spoke to someone ill informed.

    You can print off the AOS form from Human Services and just take it into Centrelink with the documents they require, there is also a find your nearest office guide. Let us know how you get on....


  5. Good (early) morning/afternoon fellow parents waiting oh so patiently. So, I'm happy to report that I've now heard from our case officer! Hurrah!! For those I know who are wanting to hear of other docs (Hi Julie :-) yep Form 80 has been requested. I believe they ask as a matter of course now. We have no convictions, have funds to take (as specified on application), live in just about the lowest risk place anywhere and in good health (they've had our medicals already). But right now I'm just so happy it's moving forward! We have 28 days to get everything back including AoS finalised. Hopefully not long now before all other 'Junes' will be hearing from them too. Skipping my skip o'joy today :-)


    Hi Amanda

    Oh Yippee Yippee you have made my day!!!!!! We have been feeling so down this week thinking that we would never hear anything. I am sooooooo pleased for you and thank you for letting us know about the docs requested. Let us know how long the AOS takes please. You are now the barometer for seeing how long it takes to grant. I'm skipping too!


  6. Hi Amanda

    Surely you must hear next week. Like you I think they are getting some replies in from late May/early June applicants and so that's slowing it all down again. We have resigned ourselves to having to go offshore twice, once for our tourist visa expiring and then later for the validation. It,s certainly no better waiting out in Oz, you can,t get on and do anything without PR and don't even mention the exchange rate. We've pretty much decided to move our money once we get PR as we've just been notified that the interest rates on our savings accounts will be drastically slashed at the end of October. With house price inflation in Oz we just have to resign ourselves to loosing out on dollars. Hopefully this awful wait will be over soon, it's certainly the last time I want to do anything like this again.

    Here's to good news for you next week.


  7. Hi Julie,

    I sent the test email yesterday evening Perth time and the auto message was:

    We are currently assessing applications lodged up to and including 16 June 2014.

    It didn't say 'no change from last week' either. Maybe they have not updated it hopefully.


    Amanda, hope your email box is not over quota. Or are you busy sending requested documents to immi? :wink:



    thanks Judy, I tried 6 times yesterday to get an update, just goes to show there's no sense to it all..... Hopefully to tonight we might all get better news.


  8. Any update guys?????????

    Hi Darshan

    I wish there was but I haven't had any response to the test email since last Thursday. Our best hope is for an update from Amanda JB just as soon as she hears, otherwise it's probably Thursday of this week.

    Frankly I'm going bonkers with the waiting, trying to keep busy but Everytime the email beeps I'm on full alert!


  9. We are waiting for 143 and our date is 23rd June 2014, we r returning to oz later this month on a subclass 600, does anyone know if we have to be out of Australia for the 143 visa to be granted?

    Hi Barneygrew

    We are also lodged on 23 rd June 2014, as Amanda says very close to getting a Co. We are in Melbourne at the moment and will have to go off shore when they are ready to grant. Where in Oz are you heading to?


  10. No one person has the answer. You will have to be brave, like the rest of us, and send your money over when you think it's the right time. The required knowledge is hindsight, but as you know, it will only be acquired after the event. It can be tough this migrating lark.

    You are quite right, hindsight is the required knowledge.

    We are however living in peculiar times. According to reports that I read online Australia is heading for a recession and the spiralling house prices are due to tumble, other economists say that Invoking article 50 may or may not happen and that it can even be reversed, delays to negotiations for Brexit can go on for ever. A crystal ball is definitely required!


  11. Hi Julie


    ive no advice to offer, just wanted to say that we are going to be in the same boat very soon and are also trying to decide whether to wait or not. Good advice from Newjez I think ... Lowest I've seen the x rate is 1.43 to the pound in 2009 and it took six years to come back up to 2 ..... Thanks for raising this, we too would be grateful for advice. I think a big factor has to be how much more settled we will feel in our own place ... That said, we'll have to rent for a bit anyway, while we look for somewhere to buy. Timing of the referendum couldn't have been worse for us could it?

    Hi Fisher

    i agree with you about feeling more settled in your own home, and that is a factor we are taking into account. it would seem we are are damned if we do and damned if we don't. We are waiting it out in Oz for our CPV 143 to be granted, almost at 2 years 2 months now, thoroughly fed up with the waiting and having absolutely no control over our future plans. End of moan! How's your house sale going?


  12. Hi

    anyone out there know the answer to this please....

    we have a considerable sum of money in the UK from the sale of our home, we will become tax residents in Oz sometime later this year when our cpv143 comes through. As the exchange rate is so awful we are thinking of renting until something better happens to the exchange rate. Does the ?ATO charge tax on anything else other than the interest made in the UK. I seem to recall reading something a long time ago that mentioned tax on gains made from exchange rate increases. I may have got this mixed up with pensions! Any help greatly appreciated. Thanks.


  13. Thanks Julie, so near, so far ... :-) Won't be long for sure, let's hope there's an amendment on the date soon.


    Hi Amanda

    just got another response to the test email and as at 16.30 Melbourne time on Wednesday they are now assessing 12th June! They must have missed a drawer full of 143 files, at least it's going in the right direction again.... They are definitely playing mind games with us.


  14. I just sent the TEST e-mail and was pretty excited to get the auto response as it means there's been an update, but it says 11 June 2014 again?? "We are currently assessing applications lodged up to and including 11 June 2014. Please note that due to a very high number of 173 and 143 applications received in June 2014, the assessment date is expected to change at a much slower pace than usual. We appreciate your patience and your understanding."

    I am certain it was 13 June last week, I'm disappointed to see a backward step (??), we are used to the slow movement of dates, but this is new..... :-(

    Hi Amanda

    i have a copy of last weeks TEST and it def says 13 June 14. I just tried but could not get a reply, I expect someone made a typo!

    No doubt it will move later this week......keep the faith we are almost there!


  15. Hi Dave, I am still waiting for a CO. I asked after receiving my HAP ID in early May whether we could have the AOS letter and was advised it was too early and to ask again end of June. I then contacted them end of June and received a reply advising that they were unable to provide it as it would then be double processing of applications for them and they also apologised. From what I understand, those who lodged before June 2014 were luckier in getting the info upfront. Hopefully I will have a CO very soon! When did you lodge?


    Hi Amanda

    My guess is Wednesday! When you do hear can you let us know if they request Form 80 please.

    It's Sunday night in Oz now and I can't wait for the week to progress towards you getting a CO.


  16. Eeek!!Can't believe there has been some movement!! Our date is getting closer and I'm trying not to get excited about it - fingers crossed Julie and Tien :chatterbox:

    Hot on your heels Amanda!!


    I think the processing date is moving fairly swiftly because IMMI are just sending out letters to ask everyone to do meds, police and AOS. I believe that they usually give 28 days for applicants to arrange this. At some point everything is going to grind to a halt when everyone returns their docs and the actual processing takes place. Anyway for now I'm really thrilled with the progress! Will be checking the Test email tonight, fingers crossed for Amanda JB maybe next week!



  17. Thanks Julie! If I've got all the necessary documents when she gets a CO, will the approval be fast? Or its a no one knows game?


    good question. The best way to keep an eye on progress is to keep watching this site. There are several other applicants, Steve 2 and Geordie Joe who have also lodged in July 14. Steve and Joe post fairly regularly so you will get a good idea on how IMMI are progressing.


  18. I only saw this post today, sorry. I'm sure you will be fine with the 2 October date. With the exchange rate being what it is, we have been discussing whether to rent for a couple of years, to give us a). the opportunity to check everywhere before deciding where to settle more permanently, and b). so the exchange rate will have time to improve. Remember, if you are worried about the rate and you are happy to wait, it is possible to open a GBP account in Australia so your money is with you there and then exchange when you are happy with the rate, just as it is possible to open an AUD account over here (UK).


    Hi Amanda

    Its a tricky decision, renting and waiting probably two years whilst the Brexit mess is sorted and hopefully the exchange rate improves or just getting on with life. The thought of waiting another two years plus for the exchange rate to improve is almost like waiting for another cpv! On the other hand we stand to loose a lot if we exchange this year. Damned if you do and damned if you don't! Let's hope the new chancellor has something up his sleeve for the Autumn statement that makes the exchange rate improve. Can't wait for this weeks update.....


  19. Evening all, regarding the 143 permanent parent visa. Once the health and police checks have passed. What are the chances of the visa Not being granted. Just wondering if anyone has an idea.

    Regards JJ

    Hi JJ

    Yes it's a worry as you get closer to assessment. If the meds and police reports are OK and everything OK with your sponsor to do AOS then logically there should not be a reason why you shouldn't be granted. That's what I keep telling myself but there is always a little worm of doubt.....the only reason I've heard for refusal is medical but I'm sure someone out there might have a better idea. The nearer the assessment date the more paranoid I get!


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