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Posts posted by juliew1499

  1. My agent forwarded this to me today - so a step further ... Thought it might allay some fears with fellow post-23rd June 2014, but do read carefully - we have NOT got a CO assigned just yet. This is a standard communication so I assume we are all at the same stage.



    "Your parent visa application is not yet assigned for assessment by a case officer.


    However, we are offering the opportunity for clients to commence preparing some of the required documents and checks ahead of assessment in order to streamline the processing of their application.


    Applicants should be aware that the requesting of these documents and checks does not imply that the primary criteria have been assessed and are met.


    Applicants should also be aware that for our purposes medical examinations and police certificates have a validity of only 12 months, and depending on the results of some medical examinations this validity is only for 6 months. We anticipate that by requesting these now there will be sufficient time for processing the application and visa grant – assuming all requirements are met – and for the applicant(s) to then arrive in Australia within these validity timeframes, but it is up to the applicant to choose whether to proceed now to prepare these documents or to wait until their case is allocated to a case officer for assessment.


    The documents / checks that the applicant(s) can commence preparing now if they choose are:


    1. Police clearances for any country, including (if applicable) Australia, in which the applicant(s) and any non-migrating spouse and dependents (aged 16 or over) have cumulatively spent more than 12 months since 10 years before lodgement of the application. For more information on character requirements please see the following link to our website: http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Visa/Char


    2. If NOT already provided please provide a completed “Personal particulars for assessment including character assessment” Form 80 for each applicant aged 16 or over as well as any non-migrating spouse and dependents (aged 16 or over). Obtain a copy of the form at: http://www.border.gov.au/Forms/Documents/80.pdf


    3. Medical examinations for all applicants and their non-migrating spouse and

    dependents. For full information see attached Health Examination List.


    4. Assurance of Support. The visa category that you have applied for has a mandatory Assurance of Support (AOS) bond that is required to be lodged with Centrelink. You must forward the attached letter to your potential assurer. Your potential assurer needs to provide this letter to Centrelink to initiate the Assurance of Support assessment. Centrelink will advise your assurer how to make an application as well as the responsibilities that accompany the commitment. Centrelink will issue an Assurance of Support Acceptance letter to the assurer when the process has been completed. Further information is available at: https://www.border.gov.au/about/corporate/information/fact-sheets/34aos


    · Due to the large number of applications received in the Contributory Parent category the application has not been assessed this stage.

    · Progress enquiries about the visa application cannot be answered.

    · As this is an invitation to provide documents, and not a formal request, there is no specific timeframe for submission and therefore any extension of time is not required.

    · Once the application is allocated to a case officer a formal request will be made for any requirement still pending at that stage."



    Hi Sadge

    So pleased you have heard something. The first letter I had requesting AOS S said I hadn't got a CO and then a few days later I got a CO! Looks like it's different for everyone. We are all slowly getting there.


  2. Hi, good news for "23rds"!


    Can somebody please just explain the timeline from now on? My date is 24th and I understand that once a CO is assigned is that when I have 28 days to have medical and police checks and submit those documents. What are the steps after that? Form 80, AoS forms, AoS payment, Visa granted?


    I can't seem to get to grips with the list of 'events' that follow the CO being assigned.

    Hi Sadge

    well I was annoyed because I hadn't heard from a CO, just checked my Spam box and there it was sent yesterday!!!!! CO gives you 28 days to do medical, police reports, Form 80, scanned copy of Passports, and completed AOS. The race is on!


  3. Fingers crossed we hear soon Julie and Tien. I wonder how long it will be before we hear about the AOS?

    Hi Moomin

    I'm thinking it will take 2 weeks before sponsor is asked to lodge bond with Commonwealth Bank and then another week another that, but it's anyone's guess. I'm hoping Amanda JB will hear soon, that should give us a good idea. I was so excited about lodging the AOS that for the first time since lodging our visa back in June 14 that I actually forgot about the processing date moving!


  4. Went into Centrelink with our daughter this morning to lodge the AOS. Waited about 30 mins to be seen and then it took about 10 mins to go through the forms and docs. Daughter comes back all smiles and says that they will deal with the docs this afternoon. Did you sign the firm in front of the staff member and did they witness it? NO! Back in we go to sort it out! Phew that could have been a problem. We now await processing of the AOa.


  5. Thanks Julie, just another question i would like to ask u and amanda if possible. my two sisters are being the assurer for me and my parents. should they both fill in the form today and get to centrelink tomorrow and is it necessary both of them have to be there for ids

    Hi Tien

    Yes both will need to attend and show the necessary ID. They need to have fully completed the form and have all the documents required for both. If they haven,t got all the evidence required they won,t be able to lodge the application. Dept of Human Service web site has all the details required under AOS.


  6. Hu julie. did you guys make a call to centrelink when u received the email or you just headed straight there. we were 30 mins on the fone with centrelink but could not reach them. just wonder if it is better to see them early in the office tomorrow than wait on the line?

    Hi Tien

    Don't bother phoning go straight to the Office.


  7. Hi Amanda

    we shot off to Centrelink this afternoon to see if we could get an appointment for our daughter. The usual thing, "oh what's this? I've never seen one of those forms before!" Luckily another member of staff overheard and came to the rescue. Apparently our daughter has to go in without out any appointment and just be ID'd and hand over the forms, they are then sent to a central processing unit. Our daughter is going in on Wednesday at 08.30' unfortunately she can't get off work tomorrow. Looks like it might be an extended off shore trip from 1st October, we will have to see how things progress. Hope your son hears soon.


  8. Hi all


    We are trying to work out what our financial position will be when we move over to Oz next year - and are feeling a lot less confident since the exchange rate was so royally screwed by the brexit vote.


    This morning I had a look at Australian income tax rates and - although we are intending to take expert advice before too long - I am wondering if anyone already resident in Australia can comment on the amount they pay - does it seem to be a lot more than the UK, or just a bit more? The table I found was quite confusing and I am having one of those days when I think we are going to be living on beans and shopping at St Vincent's ...

    Hi Fisher

    we prepared some spreadsheets over two years ago when we were deciding if we should emigrate or not. We compared our income in Uk with Uk tax and then taxed in Oz. There was not a lot of difference between the two, that our course depends on the amount of income you have. For us it meant we were about £900 a year worse off in Oz based on an exchange rate of 1.6. We had decided that that was the minimum exchange rate we would find acceptable, above that was a bonus. There are offsets you can claim on some of your pensions which reduces the tax a little. We have been out in Oz for 3 months now still not tax tax residents as we haven't got our visas. Somethings are more expensive such as food, but petrol is so cheap it sort of balances things out. We have been looking at the outgoings on our daughters house and generally found that council tax and utilities are either the same or less than we paid in the UK. The drop in the exchange rate has certainly been a shock and we have had to review our forthcoming expenditure on a house and vehicles. Not the balmy days of last year at 2.1 to the £! All in all no need to live on beans or shop in Vinnies! When we get further into living here and know more will be happy to share any further knowledge.


  9. Hi Amanda

    I can see your photo on your profile page! If you go into Settings and then look down the left hand column you need to edit or add Avatar, that should enable you to show your photo on postings. I found it completely by mistake when I added my photo as I thought I was adding it my profile page, now the world knows how I look. Anyway it's nice to put a face behind the words.

    We are going away this week down to Wilsons Prom as we are about to have some very nice weather this week. It will hopefully keep our minds off waiting for a CO.


  10. Hi all, not sure if anyone on here can answer this, so I can send Form 80 tomo - I posed the question in the "Ask an Agent" section and although viewed many times, nobody has replied :-( As there are some with experience of Form 80 on here, I thought I would check what you added/were advised by your agent perhaps:


    "Hi I'm stuck on question 47 regarding listing personal contacts. Do we really need info of everyone we know there, friends, friends of friends, children of friends and ACTUALLY have to get details of their date and place of birth? Even my granddaughters maternal grandparents etc?

    Any advice would be appreciated because I know more than just my sons and their immediate family.

    Thank you! Looking forward to some sound advice while still sane with this form lol."


    Hoping that someone can advise me today,

    Cheers, Amanda

    Hi Amanda

    i took that question of list a personal contact as IMMI's way of checking up on character eg getting a personal reference if required. I certainly haven't listed all my contacts. Now you have me worried......

    sorry to hear about your woes with Centrelink but it doesn't surprise me one bit, fingers crossed they just get on with it ...


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