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Everything posted by abarron87

  1. Bump. Some advice on this would be really helpful.
  2. I read in another thread that there be issues with this because it may constitute tax evasion. Some information would be appreciated
  3. Hi all. In 2010 I visited Oz for 5 weeks, did the east coast and saw Melbourne too. I've since started a career in Web Development (which is on the needed skills list) back in London and will have 3+ years experience soon. Basically I'm getting itchy feet and wanting to get back there, possibly from January 2014 when I've got a 3 week holiday booked. I'm thinking of getting a WHV and doing some freelance jobs that I can get online just to help with the travelling aspect. I'm looking for advice really on a number of things as well as examples of other peoples experiences. When I did my round the world trip in 2010 I didn't work along the way, and was thinking this time I'd see how I felt as the year went on. I'd like to keep developing my skills as I go but I'm not adverse to backpacker jobs as you meet a lot of great people that way. However I don't want to hostel it for the whole 12 months. I think if I find living and working in Oz enjoyable I'd try applying for a 457 visa if/when I got a job offer. However, I don't want to not make the most of my one WHV that I'm entitled to! So I guess what I'd like to know is: Is it easy to rent a room whilst on a WHV (looking to base myself in Melbourne)? If I freelance with jobs online, would I have to bill that from Australia and get an Australian Business Number (I've heard that is hassle) or could I get away with not doing that as they are unlikely to pay huge amounts? Has anyone else used the WHV for more career type work rather than seasonal/bar work? Any advice is much appreciated!
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