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Everything posted by Grecia

  1. Well I phoned the DAFF in Canberra, so for anyone else whose dog is already vaccinated against rabies: you just get the blood test done and get a booster before they fly five months later ("No problem!"). :smile:
  2. Hi Bob, I'm hoping you can help with this, as one pet transport company has given me completely incorrect information, another one apparently cannot answer a simple question, and the DAFF is taking 2 weeks to reply to emails... Our dog had her rabies vaccination (3 year one) last November for her pet passport, but has not had the antibody test yet. Obviously we will have to wait until 6 months (or rather 5 taking quarantine into account) after the RNATT before she can fly to Oz, but by that time her rabies vaccination will be over 12 months old. Is it ok to just get her booster done before she flies, or do we have to start the whole process from scratch: get another rabies vaccination done now, wait 4 weeks, then get the RNATT done? Thanks very much in advance!
  3. Hi - I'm in a similar boat (although I've got dual nationality and been here slightly longer than 9 years lol). I was very glad to see your post. In fact, I joined the forum just so I could reply! Yeh, I've got worries too: I'm worried that I'm too 'pommified' to fit in back home anymore, I'm worried about all the petty rules and regulations they have over there (in VIC you can only have two dogs or cats even if your garden is half an acre and you can't even see the neighbours :confused:), I know that I'm going to go from being a high earner to being an average earner (I work in the City) and that is not filling me with joy... :wink: However... I don't fit in here either - I grew up in Australia and think Australian, even after a couple of decades here the British mentality is still a mystery to me. My Saffer boyfriend loves outdoors activities and 'extreme sports' so he's going to be in his element back home. At least I'm told I can find work over there, which is a problem for everyone over here at the moment. And at the end of the day, my nearest and dearest are all coming with me: partner, dog and parents. Everything has pros and cons so I guess it's perfectly normal to have mixed feelings. My way of dealing with it is just trying to stay focussed on the positive x
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