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Everything posted by Maggie2012

  1. Hi, just wondering if you made it to the GC and if so, where did you end up moving to. Also do you like it there?
  2. It is part of the process to prove that you have initial funds to sustain yourselves for 6 months at least. People who ask for release this early are the one who only use ACT nomination to get the 190 visa. We have been in ACT for 15 months now and I would say that is a "giving it a try" not 2 months....just two cents worth of opinion....
  3. it is part of the process though. It is expected that it might be tough and you have to prove that you have enough funds to give it a go. The point was, if you have lied on your application of your intentions it is not just a moral obligation any more but a visa issue that could become more than just a moral issue. People tend to forget that visas can be cancelled should the sponsoring party withdraw sponsorship or report a false intention. A speed limit will not prevent you from driving a vehicle, but should you break it so it may lead to fines or loss of license. As far as I understand JOJOGOINGOZ did not give it a go while asked for a release (at least ACT Gov seems to thinks so). To obtain a class 190 it is a pre-requisite to prove genuine intention to settle in a territory. So there is a difference I think....
  4. To be frank, there is a difference between those who just want a WAY INTO Australia and those who commit and think about giving it a go in a state. We are the latter ones, but personally I know people, who got their visas through ACT but went straight to Victoria or NSW. We have asked for release alternatively, but we are still in ACT after 14 month. We are still trying to make it work but it is very hard. Doing casual jobs here an there slows our resource consumption but will not make it stop. With no outlook for a full time job, we have no other options but to try our luck elsewhere- eventually. Holiday season coming up made us to wait a bit. Regardless, that is a bit of piss off when people ask for a decision to be released without giving it a go. But, Quoll, it is the ACT government's fault that they fall short of attracting manufacturing (or private companies) to come to the territory. Canberra has the potential to become the Silicon Valley of Australia, but all the government cares about is getting another retail store open (IKEA). Hard to sustain and grow an economy if the money is artificially injected into an area.
  5. Nothing wrong with Canberra as a town, but as you have pointed it out it is very hard to find jobs with a PR when most places require Australian Citizenship. And yes, there are jobs in the private sector but very few with exponentially higher applicants and because of that, plus the ACT government incentives to push laid off governmental employees into employment, you have very little chance in getting a job It is not easy to network either, especially when you are forced to take some part time casual job that stretches into late hours and weekends. Let's face it is tough to meet people that way. Everything happens between 6 and 8 PM...... at the end you need to do what you need to do. It is a skilled visa and you did not get schooling/training to become a shelf stocker in life in Coles. And nothing against that, but if you can do more why shouldn't you be allowed to do that??? and agree, we don't want to take away a citizen's job. The is not the intention of any of us.....
  6. Great, you have got the same answer we did! Exactly the same wording, so it must be a pre-made reply letter! Good luck in NT! We are working on looking somewhere else as well.....
  7. If so, how did you go about it? It is at a point now that we are seriously debating moving out of ACT because of ZERO jobs in the ACT. Correction, there would be jobs but those require security clearance we do not have. So after 10 months in working casual jobs here and there with no prospect of a job in our professions we have no choice but to look elsewhere but would like to to it without any theoretical repercussion on our prospect of becoming a citizen in 3 years. Please, do not say "there is no condition to your visa", we know that yet we are hear a case where someone moved out of their state under a permanent state sponsored visa and got their citizenship. If you are one of those people we'd like to hear from you.
  8. Thank you for the reply! :-) Now another Quicky: how about a 1990's Van or Motor-home / Camper-van ? Are those allowed as well?
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