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  1. Thanks for info Ben. Much appreciated. Hopefully see u in Perth sometime soon :smile: stevie.
  2. Thanks ben that has helped me alot. With vetassess what do they want you to do when you are there? Is it all practical or is there theory involved aswell? Back here in the UK I work mostly in the timberframe side of the trade but also do 1st and 2nd fix occasionally when i need to. I would prefer to work as a framing joiner or roofing joiner over in perth but am unsure of how much of this type of work there is in perth. Steven :biggrin:
  3. Hi ben thanknyou for your reply. That would be brilliant if you could could give me the details of your agent. I think we will have to go that route if nothing comes back from the companies i contacted. If you dont mind me asking what were the full costs of lodging the 190 skilled migrant visa? Did you have to get your skills tested from vetassess? Do you know the average wage a carpenter would earn in perth? Do you reckon it could support us a family my fianceé is willing to work as well just it would be easier with the wee one if she didnt. Sorry for all the questions ben :biggrin: I wish you luck in your new life and hope everying works out for you :smile:
  4. Hi folks I was wondering if there are any carpenters on here or anyone with a carpentry back ground that could help me out with a few questions? I am a carpenter hopeing to relocate to perth within the next year. I have a fianceé and 2 young children. My fianceé and i are both 26 our oldest son is 5 and our daughter is 18 months. We have chose perth as I have a cousin who lives there and also know a couple of other people who i used to work with that has emigrated there. Our thinking is having them around would make our move that bit easier. My biggest question is my salaray, will a carpenters wage in Perth be sufficent to support our whole family such as rent, food, school fees, medical insurance etc etc.. Does perth have plenty job opportunites for me in my field of work? We are hopeing to get a sponsor so we can move over on a 457 visa i am currently in the middle of getting in touch with a few companies that i have been put onto but nothing concrete yet :-( If nothing comes back from the companies that i have contacted would anyone know where the best place to start looking for sponsors? Any help or information would be greatfully appreciated steven. :smile:
  5. Hi Paul1perth what if the shoe was on the other foot and my 2 kids and missus were hating life at the minute as work is so bleak and opportunities for work are non existent. Would u then encourage us to make the move of our dreams? Cheers steven.
  6. If it is really as bad as you say paul how come you still stick around? Genuine question not having a pop at you? I have spoke to many others who have been and some still staying in perth who have said the total opposite to yourself. I am a carpenter/joiner to trade and am struggling to make ends meet back here in scotland. The UK economy is on its arse so to speak, the cost of living is still rising and the wages are staying the same or declining with talks of a triple recession forecasted for this summer it wont be long before the uk crashes and burns. I would encourage anyone who has had a dream of moving to OZ to go for it and see if it is for them by there own personal circumstances not some other persons experience. That is my personal view and people will disagree with me but everyone is entitled to there own opinion.
  7. Thank you for the prompt replys guys. I had an incline that my UK history would have no affect in Oz. Thank you for the advice on taking photos of my house here as i would never have thought of that myself. I think i will take some in summer time as the place looks pretty dull just now in the winter :sad: I have some references to hand and can also get a reference from my existing landlord before i leave. I am quite lucky in a way as my cousin lives in perth and has plenty space to put us up until we can get ourself sorted with a rental. Thanks again.
  8. Hi folks, I am new to the forum and was wondering if yous could help me out with a couple of questions. my fiancee, myself and 2 kids are hopeing to move to perth next year could anyone tell me how our credit rating would stand as new australian immigrants? Would we be able to rent realestate with no credit history in OZ relitively easily providing we had adiqute referencess from past landlords back in the UK? How could we build our credit rating on arrival? Any help would be really appreciated Steven.
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