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Everything posted by weldaboy46

  1. Hi . I'm looking for the best sim card deals, and best rates for calling the UK. With plenty of gigabytes for Skype calls and Internet searches. I will be based in Katanning thanks.
  2. Hi everyone, my wife and I are hoping for news of our 457 visa application, expecting to hear any day soon, and she thinks she can feel a lump in her breast (her mother and sister died from it).She wont go to get it checked out because of our application. As I am the main applicant, would it affect her if she was diagnosed before the visa was granted, would our visa be granted and the health problem dealt with under reciprical care with the UK, or is this the end of the line for us? Thanks in anticipation!!
  3. Hi, I`m considering buying a used campervan in the UK, I know I would have to pay the charges, but how much would it (shipping) cost, and can I pack it with belongings as well? I`m thinking of paying about £10K .The prices in Australia are extortionate, Thanks.
  4. <p><p>Hi, I`m weldaboy, guess what I do for a living ...Any tips on how to get a sponsorship or job please, the few enquiries from companies that I have had, go quiet when they find out I`m in the UK.</p></p>

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