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Posts posted by dejani

  1. Hi,

    I have a 482 visa and the employer that sponsored me has unfortunately lost a job contract just before I started my first day and I need to find a new employer who will take over sponsorship or sponsor me. I work with IT as Project Manager.
    As you all know I have two months to find a new sponsor. And I'm starting to panic. Doesn't mater what state or city, I just want to find a job.

    Please share your experience and how my chances look like for the moment?

    All help is highly appreciated.

  2. Thank you KnK. Your answer is what I needed I would say. Because I have written about 5 pages and I will write 5 more and I hope that will do. I have an agent who is helping me and as I have understod it the essays and the project reports doesn't have to be to long.


    But I want to thank you for taking your time to write. It is of big value for me. :) Congratulation for your visa.



    Are you doing your visa on your own or going via an agent? If an agent then best to seek their guidance but if you are going it alone or have just started investigating then here goes


    The RPL report serves only 3 purposes

    1. Have you learnt, through your work or education, each of the core knowledge areas?

    2. Having acquired this knowledge (mostly outside of formal education), how have you applied it through your career?

    3. The 2 detailed projects reports showcase your Software skills as well as the specific category you are going for such as Business Analyst or Software Engineer


    There are few examples available on the internet plus a few forums where members are happy to share their report, I would recommend spending some time and reading through forums to get this level of detail


    Personally, having a Electronics & Electrical Engg Degree, I had to prove my skills over 12 years experience. The main thing to note is while it is doable, you will need a lot of patience. It can easily take 2 months to write the report and proof read a few times before submission, which again tests your patience a lot. How long the report has to be really depends on your own circumstance


    If you have a degree with a minor in Computer Science then you could get away with a shorter report, if not then perhaps you need to elaborate why you think you now have that knowledge without formal education so information on things like certifications through your career, online courses at work etc have to be clearly explained.


    I have seen reports that are 20 pages long and some that are 60 pages long. My report was around 40 odd pages. It was more because I decided to include some diagrams I created through work, which if taken out would reduce my report to about 30 pages. You need to bear in mind they are not testing your English skills nor do they care about specifics of projects you worked in or your company or client. When you explain how you gained knowledge and how you used that knowledge you must be concise. None of us know who really reads that report but fair to say even a person who lives to read reports for a living wont have the stamina to understand the life of the person who wrote that report. I made that mistake too and when I proof read it, I realised I was talking irrelevant things at many places and in the end cut out about 10 pages of nonsense


    It's tough, you need the patience and you need to constantly go back and forth to ensure you dont end up repeating yourself or using the same examples in too many places. You have to plan, go through your career and see what examples you will use for which sections and for all this, you need to put effort to make a decent report


    All the best


  3. Hi guys,


    I haven't been able to find much about the RPL for ACS so I need to check and ask how detailed and how long does it have to be? I know that they have given instructions but I want to hear real life story on how it was for others that had to write the RPL Report.

  4. Okay thanks to good advices.


    My question now is if the employer can anyhow force me to use heir own immigration lawyer or if I can use my own?




    The visa applicant can be required to pay for health insurance (and as applicable) skills assessment, English language test, police clearance. You are quite correct that requiring the visa applicant/s to pay for costs relating to sponsorship or nomination is out of order. Some 'operators' get around this by having their overseas recruiters enter into a separate contract with visa applicants, involving salary deductions.


    If the sponsorship and nomination have been lodged, the visa application should be a relatively inexpensive procedure.


    From what has been posted, it looks as if the amounts quoted are technically legal - possibly a case of - if you do not like it you know what you can do.


    This is one case where I would most strongly advise the OP, before committing to a course of action, to consult a registered migration agent for independent advice.

  5. My situation is following:


    I'm in Australia on my tourist visa and I got a job offer and I have signed a contract with company A.

    Company A has their on immigration lawyers and they came back to me today with a quotation that 457 visa application fee for me ($4.500) my wife ($3.000) and for our 3 year old son ($3.000).

    So in total $10.500 for a 457 visa for us.


    On immigration website the price is $2.330 in total.


    So Now I'm in the situation that I got a job and want to start working. There is no other option as I can see then to go thru their immigration attorney.


    Does anyone know if this is a an acceptable price or if this is just way to much.



    Thanks for any answers in advance. :)

  6. I've been in Sydney since December and haven't had any issues finding work. There seems to be LOTS of IT jobs across the whole spectrum and any of the recruiters I've spoken to (a couple of whom are friends) have said the same.


    Generally in Sydney if you can speak good English, are white (sad but true), have the necessary skills and are willing to learn, you won't have any issues finding work.


    Can you please ask some of your friends if the situation is same or similar in Brisbane? I'll be moving there in a couple of months.

  7. If you're going to be applying for in demand roles in a competitive market, I would assume Australian Citizens and Permanent Residency holders will have a huge advantage over you.


    Maybe consider going the PR route before you come over?


    Well that is exactly what I'm looking ibn to but I'm on the edge of being approved by ACS due to my experience. I hope it will work but are not 100% sure yet.

  8. He says he has a "work visa". - whatever that means. Not heard of a "work visa" before, it could be anything...


    Sorry with work visa I mean I will get a 457 via Lester Associates if I can find a job. So basically I will only have a tourist visa when I arrive and once I find a job I will get a 457 via Lester Associates.

  9. The situation is not good and only short contracts are available , which is also over applied by 40 to 50 candidates having 15 to 20 yrs experience . This is my second time in Australia, I worked in Sydney from 2005 to 2009 and then moved to NZ and recently moved back to Brisbane , and the market conditions are worse. The month of May will set the standard for next 6 month and I am watching it closely.


    But would you say that it is impossible to find a ICT Project Manager position if I come to Brisbane in October or do I have a fair chance if I give 100% on finding a job?

  10. The market is horrible. My husband, with over 20 years in this field, has had to take contract work back in the UK as there is nothing here. Other friends here in Brisbane in the same field have had to take much lower paid work in Perth or Melbourne as the jobs dried up here unfortunately.


    So your conclusion is that my chances are not so good right?

    Because when I talk with some people that I know they have another opinion so that's why I'm asking this question on PIO.

  11. Hi.


    I'm moving over to Brisbane in August this year and I'm looking for a job as ICT Project Manager.

    I have 8 years of experience and good recommendations. So now I wonder how difficult it will be to find a job once I touch down.


    I will have a work visa in place and can start working ASAP. What do you guys think?


    Any idea please. Anyone in the similar situation or experience?


    All information is valuable.




  12. Hi.


    I have to send all my grades and work documents to ACS for skill assessment but I have some gaps during my time.




    1. So from 2007 to 2010 I study and I had my own business. And I have a letter from one company that I worked for them as ICT Project Manager and developer for 2 years.
      And my biggest issue is if ACS will accept this or not.
    2. My second issue is following.
      I have worked for a company as Developer and ICT Project Manager for 4 years now and my former manager that resigned for 6 months ago has wrote a letter of recommendation for me but she has not wrote it in the same way as ACS wants it. So my question is here if ACS will accept it or do I have to ask her to write me a new one. If I can find her.



    So in total I will have more then 5 years of work experience and 3 years of education within ICT. Will this be enough or not?

    I will apply for 189 once I get the results back. And I hope they will be positive.



    Please help me or give me some advice.

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