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Mickey Mac

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Everything posted by Mickey Mac

  1. you can expect acknowledgment letter within two weeks of submitting your application & the co is allocated right after acknowledgment letter, sometimes they mention the co name, sometime they don,t so, it varies from case to case. yes migration agent can be a help just he guides you very well, and let you know about the proceedings of the case, you don,t have to call embassy and all... all this headaches are of agent now!! if you say hiring agent can reduce the time Spam, i don,t agree!! normal processing time is 6-7 months, and yes the only thing that can reduce the time processing is submitting all required documents on time, sit back and wait!! whenevar they ask for extra documents send them hard copies in one complete file, keep copy to yourself so whenever they misplace documents,instead of complaining just send them again all the documents.. yes they do ask for FRC frm evryone, FRC after mariage, so lets c if they ask from you or not.. lastly pashtunkhawn:p doesnt makes any difrence:) good luck
  2. gyes is learner driving test in south Australia is tough? how can we do preperation? any suggestions please
  3. gyes do THAI airline let u go with xtra 8-9 kgs? anyone recently traveled? please leme know?
  4. called today ahc for my passport and they are not even telling when they gona send my passport back to me.. infact they said in records they didnt recieved my passport!! bullshit.. they nevar stop bothering u!! i have flight booked on 24th maaan!!
  5. dun worry ruqaya, u canot trust these cos.. they dun tell the exact things!! miss KA said me the same thing.. she lied to me that she didnt recieved anything its just cuz she want us to wait more.. just dun worry they take 2 and half months almost after medicals and xtra documents submission..
  6. wow thats great:) umm i have sent my passport to embacy for labeling ll c when passport ll cum
  7. gyes anyone else has sent passport for the stamping cuz i did so.. and i have heard that ahc is not dealing with visa stamping now, feDex deals with visa stamping now? is it a rumor or true? i mean i shouldnt have sent my passport to ahc isb? did any 1 else sent passport to embacy for stamping after 10 december??
  8. i guess i emailed them and called them too many times:p and they got irritated that they immediately informed me after the decision was made:P:P
  9. dun worry mehak, u ll get it by the start of jan inshalah:) yea many applicants got grant letter via curior and many got by email, me mada chaya got it by email but nidz got it by corior, nthing to wory abt
  10. i have sent my passport for labeling, m not in mood to take risk of traveling without visa label:/
  11. they have sent me form 886 along with email? do i have to fill it also and send to them?
  12. DUun worry bro next turn is urs:) soon after christmas holidays they gona blast other visas
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