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  1. hi guys so relief today this afternoon i got pre grant letter flight booked for this Saturday heading down to bali,thanks everybody best of luck. my time line is 26/6/2012 119 as a decision ready ,nominatated as a cook. caseofficer 15/2/2013 nomination approved 19/3/2013 pre grant 20/3/2013 perth office
  2. thanks blossom79 i got email this afternoon confirming nomination has been approved and need 2nd vac payment ,that also has been paid this afternoon ,now just waiting for pre gratn later so i can book the flight.:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: thanks everybody.
  3. HI guys I m very stressed can someone tell me how long it will take to get approved , I applied 119 at Perth as decision ready I got CO on 15/February/2013 he ask for accountant later I send on 7/march/2013 until now did't heard anything. Any idea guys how long it will take.
  4. Hi guys any idea how long it will take I got co on 15 feburery ask for document I send a week ago did't heard until now any idea
  5. Finally good news guys this morning I got email from my MA that I got case officer and he asking for accountant letter hopefully good news next week 119 Decision ready at Perth 26june2012 cook high risk.
  6. hi guys any idea applied on 26/june/2012 at perth office as a decision ready 119 .nothing heard until now.
  7. Hi Aryan congratulation mite please can u tell me witch office did u applied and what date and visa u applied. Thanks buddy
  8. Hi guys any idea how long more to wait I applied on26/June/2012 119visa as a decision ready.did't heard anything yet.what u recon guys.
  9. congratulation man u got u r P R can u tell me witch office u applied and what was the date of u r application and u r occupation please. thanks
  10. Hi guys any grant from Perth immi June applications RSMS 119 visa
  11. hi kk in my opinion if u r case officer no required any further documents then u dont need to do anything , because when u get case officer if he need anything then same day he have to send a mail to u r MA ,about u r case i think u going to get u r decision this or next week so dont do anything u going to get u r approval shortly. otherwise its up to u if u want to spend $1000.try to talk with u r MA and tell him to push a bit to immi.
  12. Hi KK just one question did immi ask u to do that or u r MA because my MA said when u logde u r application with a valid documents u don't have to do again .my all documents also expire but no one told me to again . Get the right info. Before u spend any penny .
  13. hey xxaustraliaxx that updating is done now they going to finalise those applications who already got the case officer. because before Christmas all the case officer have to finalise those applications . so hopefully starting January 2013 u will have a good news for sure.
  14. why even one person or a one application who applied on 25/26/june/2012 AT perth did"t get a even C O . and some who applied on 27/28/29/june/2012 at already got there approval . just think about it immi . can approve 1500 applications in a one month according to there quota .so the most applications on holding that will be 25/26/june/2012 applications .so the dates who going to get there approval in January2013 that will be a 25/26/june/2012 . thats just my thinking .what about u guys lets shere u r opinion.THANKS
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