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Posts posted by shaunfreo

  1. 18 hours ago, ruthy said:

    RRVs aren't always straightforward and can be a source of anxiety and frustration as much as any other part of the visa process. Also, they are taking months to process now. Mine took nearly five months to be processed.

    I agree with Cal. It is a forum and if you are not interested in the topic, then you don't have to read the posts you don't like.


    I think my initial post has been a bit misunderstood, not suggesting people shouldn’t post questions, and of course many applications are complex and need professional advice, and I am sure they will be directed to seek that advice,

    but I just noticed a lot of enquires about RRVs were relating to fundamental rules like qualifying time, the fact that so many believe that their PR has expired because the RRV has expired simple stuff not the more complex situations. 

    I agree with Marisawright these forums can be difficult to navigate , but on many forums you will find links In say FAQ or read me first sections British expats forum a case in point then if posters don’t find the answer they are looking for they can place supplemental questions 

    anyway W russell has provided those links so that could be a great help to many 

  2. No they are not all straight forward I agree , I did say that in my original post

    and perhaps the site could be made easier to navigate, i agree it’s not easy which is obviously why people find it hard to find other posts on the same subject 

  3. The thing is guys they do give advice on this topic endlessly to different posts I thought it would be a good idea if there could be one post which gives a broad outline of the rules which we could all direct enquires to 

    I don’t see how that is doing agents out of business if anyone requires further help they can pay for it 

    gawd I didn’t think this could be so controversial, I guess I will just shut up I obviously haven’t been a member long enough or posted enough posts to have anything worth saying 

  4. I just thought that given there are so many questions about RRVs , which are not straight forward in many cases it would be helpful to direct enquires to a post which gives the correct advice I know long term members give the best advice they can but unfortunately it’s not always correct 

  5. Please please can a reputable migration agent put together a post regarding RRVs what is required, ect eligibility, so we can direct the endless enquires about them to that post 

    There seems to be so many are enquiring about them , and the information given is not always correct looking at previous posts


  6. It says on the home affairs website that you need to be resident for 2 years (730 days ) it doesn’t specify if time outside Australia for short periods is included or excluded I would imagine to be on the safe side to add all time outside onto the 730 days so for example if you were outside for 14 days in the 2 years apply after 745 days , perhaps someone with more info can enlighten you 

  7. 1. Only you can make that decision, getting registered as a nurse, and passing the skills assessment is not an easy process , and you would very likely take a drop in position 

    2. Kids usually adapt but it does depend to some extent how old they are

    3. So much depends on where you choose to settle, Australia is expensive especially in the cities, so financially you could be worse off, many people live on $50,000, but in many places that would be tough with a family 

    4. The process depends on many things but around a year ++ is a good estimate but possibly longer depending on how many points you have, and what visa you apply for

  8. The problem is usually the continuity of care component 

    you are required to have a specified number of women who you have followed through (ante natal , intra partum, and post natal) you don’t have to have delivered them though 

    there is a certain number I think it is 20 women but do check as AHPRA change the requirements frequently, and it has to be on your transcript of training as a specific component 

    most uk and I would think Irish training incorporates this element as standard and it’s not necessarily considered as an extra and is just part of your training program 

    As to whether hospitals will support you in obtaining the requirements, most it seems will not why would they , there are hundreds of Aussie trained midwives who already meet the criteria and can only get temporary contracts

    some big hospitals in capital cities might but it’s doubtful 

    Its not just direct entry midwives who have this problem, but any midwife who can not show the required continuity of care component 

    Anyway good luck 

  9. Look at my previous post replying to your other post

    perhaps as it is your sister who will be applying she needs to do some research herself, after all it’s a complex process and only she knows her own circumstances 

    best of luck and as Marisawright says She May need to contact an agent to assess her eligibility as it may not be straightforward 

  10. The last I heard if you don’t have the savings you need a combined income of £18.600,  more if you are including children who are not already British citizens or have indefinite leave to remain. This is for spouses who are not EU citizens, although with the whole Brexit nightmare Spouses who are EU nationals will most likely have to meet the same criteria in the future unless some arrangement is made

  11. Just on another note Practice Nursing here does not have the same status is in the UK , it is generally poorly paid, (average around $26-$30 per hour with most salaries at the lower end) and you work under the direction of GP Not as an independent practitioner, it’s a much more a business model and about making a profit, 

    on the plus side because of those reasons there is usually quite a few jobs around as the turnover is quite high. 

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