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Posts posted by SarahRob198

  1. Hi guys, thanks for your welcome, just wanted to point out that my second name is Robinson hence the Rob lol (sorry for any crossed wires lol) my parnter's name is Mike :) Wardie thanks i'll add myself :) And BritChick i've heard that it can take up to 12 months whilst in Aus but not sure about any other country, i'm pressuming it will be the same as here maybe? Sorry that's something i can't answer can only guess!! So excited though as we have been waiting a while for this day now, first of all we had to apply for my Return Resident Visa then once that was granted start applying for Mike's but that's all done and dusted now so hooray lol, they asked us for our medicals so we will be booking them asap and then the waiting begins ;).

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