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Everything posted by DisillusionedScot

  1. I'm OK with the age thing if there's something to be had at the end of it. I guess my point is that if I study full time I can throw myself into it. I do hear what people are saying about part time study but I cant see myself doing that because it would greatly extend the timescales and i haven't been able to get even part time work in nearly three years so it doesn't help. I've got no transport either which is awkward (anyone got a spare car? ??). I just can't see a way to make this work.
  2. I only ever handled the account side of the business, my partner and contractors did the rest of it. I think if I were studying I'd need to do it full time. If I did it part time I'd be mid 50s before I qualified. I did take my cv to the likes of Woolies and such but they weren't interested. Besides, I have no skills, the first question everyone asks is - what do you do? I can't answer that because, well, I don't know :-/
  3. Does anyone know why permanent resident holders can't get help with fees? Apparently humanitarian visa holders can. I can't see another way to get the skills I need.
  4. Thanks for the info. Appreciated. I did look at the Relationships Australia course only today but its $3k and no financial help. To be recognized by the psychology council I'd need a two year counseling diploma $$$$ and of course no help. I really have looked into in some depth. My only chance I think would be a job with a sympathetic employer who might pay for training, but I know that's unlikely!
  5. Anyone want to give me a job then? since apparently I'm not trying.
  6. Ahh, I see. Ok, no I'm 176 perm but my ex who was the primary applicant walked out Feb last year and went home with everything. So I'm stuck.
  7. Not eligible for citizenship for about another 15 months ish?
  8. Actually, Im on my third provider. I have alerts set up on all the major job sites and if you read above you'll see that I have actually been for an interview as recently as three weeks ago and had a telephone interview only 10 days ago. I think you need to stop reading between the lines and back off with your criticism because its misplaced. Would I have gone to TAFE if I wasn't serious, would I be so desperate to go to Uni if I wasn't serious. Would I have specifically have requested weekly meeting with Rocky Bay instead of fortnightly if I wasn't serious? There's no excuses here I can assure you. Do you think I want to live in poverty?
  9. He's worse than useless. All the jsa folk do is keep clients on the books for as long as possible because a. They have no jobs to offer and b. Their company gets an income from the govt just so long as the clients turn up for their fortnightly interview.
  10. Ok first off. I don't know what Work for the Dole is - I assume its some form of govt scheme where I work for benefits. Question: what kind of work do they do? How many get jobs at the end of it? What new meaningful skills will I have gained? I suspect if it is what I think it is then we'll both know the answers to those questions. I need a job with a pay packet or some form of meaningful training that will actually lead to a job. What I don't need is a worthless govt training scheme with nothing at the end.
  11. I can't understand why I can't get assistance to go to Uni. That seems really unfair.
  12. I'm steam 3/4 ESS so work for the dole isn't something they would consider me for. I just don't understand why no one will give me a chance. I need a job so badly.
  13. Yeah I talked about volunteering in one of the passages above and what happened with that. I can't do heavy physical work anymore because of my health. I tried volunteering at the local dog shelter but they didn't want me.
  14. I hear you but I can't try any more. Three years of trying and it hasn't worked. I remember last year I asked on here if anyone would give me a job. No one would. All folk did was criticise. I've lowered my standards, I've forgotten my dreams and I've left what's left of my pride at the door but still no one wants to know. I'm resigned to just sitting here kinda just waiting to die really.
  15. Honestly, I've tried every avenue I can think of and after three years it seems fairly clear to me that I'm just not what employers are looking for. Ive been to TAFE but that didn't help, I want to go to Uni but I can't because there's no help with fees. I attend my employment consultant every week, I do everything I'm told. No one wants an old guy with no skills and I can't blame them.
  16. Tried, but most require an HR license. I just don't have the money for that. Then of course I have no recent experience and don't know my way around.
  17. I've approached Coles, Woolies, Bunnings, but they dont accept applications at the door anymore, its all online and it seems I'm not what they're looking for. I dont see any way out if this. Honestly, I've given up hoping now. I think Uni was my last roll of the dice and I've lost out again.
  18. Yeah, I appreciate the words, but at approaching 50 it really is time for me to give up. I've failed. I thought going back to Uni would throw me a lifeline, but no. I'm stuck, can't go anywhere or do anything. Who would want to employ an old guy with no skills? No one in Aus that's for sure and three years of trying seems to prove that.
  19. Ive got no savings, no pension. Nothing really just my Centrelink pittance. I feel like my life never really got started. I was thinking that I'd probably have a more stimulating life if I were living in a prison cell.
  20. Ah. Well. I had a small media company, I drove a taxi and I had my hypnotherapy business. For the last three years I worked in a project for folk with drug, alcohol and mental health issues as a tutor/administrator. I've done everything from sitting with the Board of Directories of what used to be Scotlands largest sportswear retailer, to driving a van delivering toilet paper. Now though I don't have my health, or any hope. My box of dreams gets smaller every day :-/
  21. Hi Melza, you're right. I'd be barred from benefits for at least 6 months. I wouldn't even be able to get into a homeless shelter because I've been away for more than two and a half years I'm now considered to have no local connection. I'd be on the streets literally. I have no family back home and the one or two people I do know can't/won't take me in. Sadly the truth is that 50 is old. Going back to Uni was I think my last hope. I feel like I'm sitting in my room just waiting to die. A long, slow process of decay. I think I've given life my best shot. I came here with a big box of dreams thats slowly shrunk to a dice sized cube of want and need. Now even that is shrinking. It's pretty much game over really. Damn.
  22. Sadly age won't. I'm nearly 50 and not even begun a career. I feel like I'm being punished for doing everything right. If I had a means of supporting myself and somewhere to stay I'd go back to Glasgow tomorrow. I'm rotting away here. No one wants an unskilled old guy like me and three years of trying proves that. This really sucks. :-(
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