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Everything posted by DisillusionedScot

  1. Well that info is appreciation and something I did not realise. I'd definitely do that. The problem remains. ...I've got no money to pay for units
  2. Dxboz I appreciate what you're saying but the UK has made it quite clear that returning UK migrants will not be allowed access to benefits for a six month perion on return. That applies to housing benefit as well. Also, because I've been out of the country for more than two and a half years I'm deemed to have lost my local connection to any area to live in (I have no relatives/family) as such I'd be homeless. Ive looked into going back quite extensively and talk to Glasgow City social work dept who adivsed, 'stay where you are'. Thanks.
  3. From where I am it's quicker to get the bus to Warnbro and then the train. But its no big deal if the bus was nore convenient I'd take it. Maybe getting a bit off topic here.
  4. Can I just say to folk that there's been a rather lengthy thread on whyvi can't go back and its not something I want to go over again. Would people please just accept that return to the UK isn't an option. Thanks
  5. Supplenentary benefit was discontinued c1989. Please don't reply without knowing your facts
  6. Thanks for the info about their foundation units and the free bus service. That would indeed make it much easier to get to Murdoch. Sadly I still won't have any money to pay for it though. I did ask about scholarships and such like but it seems even if I got anything it wouldn't cover the costs. I think I shall try to forget about Uni as its just not practical. Shame really its what I wanted to do. Getting used to disappointment now :-(
  7. I don't see that. I think im being pragmatic not negative. Its not easy when funds are limited and you have no skills.
  8. I hear you. But looking back through the thread the only suggestions are do it part time and save which isn't going to happen because I don't have a job or wait 15 months and become a citizen. As for a plan of action well, when you have no money things are very difficult. I simply don't see a way out of this.
  9. Hi Sammy. I think there is a time limit. Do non Aus degrees not have to be ratified by Canberra for equivalency? Fairly sure they do in which case a 2 year time limit applies.
  10. I really can't see a way out of this without going back to Uni. Without transport Mandurah is a bus and a train ride away. Maybe not so practical. Rockingham would be easier I think. There's nothing much in Secret Harbour. Again Rockingham is kinda holiday/seaside like not so many businesses there. I notice a lot have closed recently as well.
  11. Hi. I can't remember the posting, but I wouldn't get any rpl as I've been gete more than two years. :-(
  12. Anyone want to give me an officy type job secret harbour/Rockingham/mandurah area? I can make coffee and tea and answer a basic phone :-/ I'm a bit old and crusty 'round the edges but I don't bite and I wash every day...anyone?<br/>
  13. Anyone want to give me an officy type job secret harbour/Rockingham/mandurah area? I can make coffee and tea and answer a basic phone :-/
  14. Hi Irish. I tried volunteering but no one seemed interested. I couldn't get back to doing what I used to because the agencies all take their volunteers from a govt scheme which I've tried to get on to but can't. Mandurah seems like an option but I'd need my travelling expences at least as its a bit away. I kinda feel its all a bit hopeless really. I thought going to Uni would be step in the right direction but I was surprised that I'd get no help with fees. TAFE courses aren't at a high enough level to be recognized and Rockingham TAFE doesn't do psychology anyway. I've tried places like Repco but to no avail. I think I'm too old for employers perhaps. I've tried to get skills but just not happening without money. Even the jsa people have no money to pay for courses (so they tell me). I can't go back to Glasgow so I'm stuck here. It feels like I'm rotting away. Like decay I guess. Not been out of my room or bed today at all. Luckily one of my kidneys isn't working so well these days so I haven't had to go to the toilet! My first ever job was in a motorcycle shop. Probably way too old and not cool enough for that sort of thing though. Not that I have any bike skills anyway. I do get down when I think about not leaving this room, but got nowhere to go (no money to go anywhere even if there was). The local pub is 4 minutes walk from the house but I've never been in it. How sad is that! This week my bills are such that I will have precisely nothing to live off for the next two weeks after I get my Centrelink money on Monday. This isn't living is it? :.-(
  15. I didnt know about VERYSTORMY I'm really sad to hear that. Stormy (and you fifi) helped me when Max and me were about to starve. Will never forget that xcx
  16. As I saud I live in the real world. How much would you think I can save off $75? If I could get a job to save money I wouldn't be having this conversation.
  17. Sorry Sammy, but I need every penny just to keep my head above water. If little by little you meant a dollar or two every now and again then maybe, but realistically that's not going to make a dent in it is it. Thanks for your suggestions, but I need to live in the real world where for me a dollar has sometimes meant the difference between eating or not.
  18. No not tried Masters directly. I am registered with them thou, part of the Woolies group. I'm ok for food, just paid my rent so hopefully housemate will do a shop (she owns the house). I'm still hanging in here after all this time. Did think my time was up two weekends ago, got rushed to Rockingham hosp with severe abdominal pain. Gsll stones apparently. Seemed to clear on its own. Two days later got gastro! Oh what fun its bern :-) hope things are good with you? :-)
  19. If I had a full time job we wouldn't be having this conversation! I've got zero ability to save, no chance of a job (I want to go to Uni so I can get a job!). There's no realistic way of doing this. I give up. MLS
  20. How can I save when all I'm left with is $75 a fortnight!
  21. I've looked at the Murdoch course and the BA psychology isn't available as an online option, its internal only. I know I could get to the campus or even their Mandurah campus if I had to that would be ok. The problem is money. I have no money for fees! Each unit is a minimum of $750, some are over a grand. Where would I get that kind of money from? Not working part time. At one unitva year I would actually need another lifetime to complete the course. I have no ability to save. I'm living off about $75 a fortnight right now :-/
  22. Well yes, I want to study. That's what I want to do. Right now I can't afford the bus fare let alone pay for units. Each unit is a minimum of $750 some are over $1k. Even if I could get a part time job there's no way I could afford even a single unit a year let alone the number required to complete a course. I'd need another lifetime to complete it! Apologies if I'm coming across as negative that isnt my intention. I'm just being practical. With no money at all behind me its just impossible.
  23. Oh well, lots really. Ran the website (business side) of what was then Scotlands largest sportswear retailer, sys admin for a workers coop, account handler for my media company, taxi driver, hypnotherapist, delivery driver, and the last three years in Scotland I was a tutor/administrator on a project working with folk with alcohol and narcotics addictions (taught I.T., group work, team building, life skills and so on). Yeah, quite a few things I guess.
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